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mappingthesky · 10 months ago
♡ "wait...is this a date?" plane @ nymphia plspls
i wasn’t sure if this was supposed to be an @ or if it was intended to be an ‘&’, but i am very intrigued by the concept of nervous jane needing to know whether this is a date, so here’s this <3
“Was it too much?”
Jane was asking questions, but she wasn’t exactly listening for answers. She seemed to be supplementing those all on her own. It would be annoying, except the conclusions she was drawing were so incorrect that it was almost endearing somehow. Her eyes were elsewhere when she scurried back to the table, anywhere but on Nymphia.
“I know you said you didn’t want to do nice dinners after we went to Pearla the other night. At least not yet. Or ever. Um,” Jane continued, clearing plates, her brow tightly knotted. “But it really wasn’t that expensive, you know. And even if it wasn’t a date, it was just nice. For me. To get out. Um. With you, of course.”
“Besides.” Jane carried a stack of serving plates and bowls and miscellaneous silverware past Nymphia. “I really like to cook, believe it or not, so this really wasn’t a big deal, I promise. I probably would’ve done it anyway.” She dropped the dishes in the sink, and started to backpedal. “Not that I would do this if you weren’t here. I mean, I would’ve eaten. But, like, I wouldn’t have done this exactly, because, y’know. That’s a lot of effort. But not too much efffort.”
Nymphia huffed from her chair, staring at the ceiling and waiting for Jane to work through her spiral.
“Or was it not enough?” Jane auto-piloted back to the table, reaching for the wine glasses. Her voice was sort of desperate, sort of defeated, and Nymphia knew she’d inadvertently made Jane much more nervous than she’d anticipated. She felt a little bad, actually, because Jane wasn’t really breathing between sentences. “I just- I know you said you wanted to take things slow and I know you didn’t want to go on dates. Um. Officially. So I just thought it might be nice to stay in and-”
“No, I’m sorry. It was stupid,” Jane interrupted, a little too embarrassed to let Nymphia get a word in. She went to clear Nymphia’s plate. “We could catch a movie or something if you want to go out, or I could just drive you-“
Nymphia’s hand stopped Jane’s wrist mid-reach. “Jane.”
Jane blinked and paused and finally looked to Nymphia, looking more unsure than Nymphia had ever seen her. All she’d wanted was to scope Jane out, take her time to make sure she was every bit as good and sweet and serious about her as Nymphia had been hoping she was. She didn’t think she would end up completely dismantling her. It was sort of ridiculous how increasingly, obviously frazzled she’d gotten the longer Nymphia had drawn this out. It was also completely, stupidly charming. Most people didn’t care enough to get nervous around Nymphia. Most people wouldn’t invite her over for a home cooked meal after taking her on half a dozen outings she hadn’t let them call ‘dates’. Most people weren’t Jane.
“It wasn’t stupid,” Nymphia took Jane’s hand gently between hers, her fingertips gliding softly over Jane’s knuckles. “It was really nice.”
“Oh!” Jane inhaled sharply. Definitely not relaxed, but breathing. It was an improvement. “Good. I’m glad. Um.” She blinked, processing. “Really?”
Nymphia smiled, her laugh a short puff of air from her nose. Jane’s eyes softened, a look of relief washing over her.
“Really,” Nymphia let her gaze fall upon Jane’s hand, held between her own. “It was the best date I’ve ever been on.”
She glanced up through her lashes. Jane looked a bit awe-struck, a bit in disbelief.
“Wait. So.” Jane blinked, a little hesitant to look Nymphia in the eyes, then did it anyways. “Was- Is this a date?”
Nymphia’s lips twisted to one side, a little pucker of a smile. She nodded slowly, a warmth to her chest as she watched the light flood Jane’s eyes. “Yeah. It is.”
Jane couldn’t hide the megawatt smile that spread across her face as she ducked her chin down, her laugh a nervous flutter of air.
“I didn’t mean to torture you,” Nymphia teased, tilting her head to follow Jane’s eyes. To make sure she hadn’t completely broken her.
“No, it was my pleasure,” Jane said breathily, already a little excited, a glimmer in her eye when she looked over and said, “I’d do it all again.”
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redhawtriot · 5 years ago
Valentines 💕Weekend 💕(BNHA x Reader)
Part 1: TYPE
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
I was just thinking about this as I was pumping out the matchups and I really wanted to jot them down lol 
This is just the first things that came to mind when I thought of what people they probably would gravitate towards during Valentines Day! 
Comment whose type you are! I am curious lol
🐒Ojirou: Deep Thinker
I can see him with someone who is really sweet and considerate.
If you say, “remember when…” and then continue to bring up a fond memory between the two of you, he would probably like that a lot. You remembered!
I feel like the poor guy just wants to make a bigger impact.
Their s/o would be the type to remind them of their worth a lot
He would really appreciate a person that would try really hard to get to know him on a different level,
“Would you rather eat 50 tiny spiders or a one big fat juicy tarantula?” He would just look at you with so much confusion but so much LOVE bc Like wtf who asks that?? but he would simultaneously get hit in the feels because you are taking time out of your day to get to know little ol him.
If you’re the type that isn’t very doting, then you’re probably not the best for him.
🎤Jirou: I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T
Wants someone independent, but also who doesn’t have a problem on depending on her.
Like do your thing and live your life, but if she sees you struggling and wants to help you, don’t you fucking dare turn her down.
She would most definitely love it if you were a musician, however If you are not but are interested in music, I could see the two of you having dates with each other where she would teach you how to play guitar.
She needs someone who isn’t too sexual. I feel like she would get annoyed with someone who wanted to have sex every day.
She would much rather spend her time just chilling out with you—existing within each other’s spaces.
If you’re the type that needs constant attention from your s/o when you’re with them, then she prolly isn’t for you.
🥦Midoriya: “I ain’t got no Type”
He is literally a walking, talking puppy dog. He would pretty much like anyone who has well-meaning motives and admirable goals.
You’re loud? Okay you must just be passionate.
You’re quiet? Okay you’re prolly just very pensive
I feel like he is the type that can fall in love with multiple types of people, but they would all have to be the kind of person that makes the first move because woo, chile… he is a nervous wreck. He would probably have an aneurysm in the midst of trying to ask you out, so just take the pressure off of the poor cinnamon roll and do it yourself.
If you’re not the type that likes chasing and would rather be chased, he isn’t for you.
Also get ready to talk about your problems because he is a Cancer and most definitely is willing to deal with emotions.
🐸Tsuyu: Logical
She would certainly like someone who is calm. Bakugou gets on her fucking nerves I can just tell lol.
You can have passion and determination for sure, but she would rather be with someone who carries those attributes quietly, with purpose, rather than boastful.
Like with Jirou, she would probably need someone who would just be okay with existing around each other.
You gotta be okay with her blunt nature.
If you are very sensitive to how people word things to you, and would rather have someone sugarcoat, then she ain’t the one for you, dawg.
💥Bakugou: Ballsy/Not a waste of space
You would have to be persistent as hell to wear down his walls, but not too overbearing or needy. Little things you would do here and there would add up
You would have to solidify yourself as an equal to him as well.
He probably would get annoyed as fuck if you were shy or timid or anything else that he would associate with weakness.
You would have be a person who has their shit together enough to have drive. You gotta have goals in mind and actually be working toward them. He don’t want no scrubs.
I think he would be the type of person to be protective over you, but that certainly doesn’t mean he wants a damsel in distress. You have to be able to hold your own, academically, physically and all.
(Literally just Kirishima whoops)
If you are the type of person who cant speak their mind and is overall nervous or timid you ain’t the one for him.
🏃🏻 Iida: Horse Girl/Guy
He would want someone who is on the same wavelength as him (Lets keep in mind that the wavelength is very hard to come by so he would eventually change his expectations)
He would love if his s/o was as driven as him and held very strong morals.
If you are the kind of person that works out everyday and has a strict diet or color codes your notes and make your own yearly planner or get on Pinterest for room ideas and have a bulletin board in your room with your schedule HAVE I GOT SOME NEWS FOR YOU.
I also feel like he would like horse girls/guys (horse people???) for some reason…
If you’re unnecessarily brash or overconfident or rude you are not the one for him.
😷Shoji: Plain Jane
He probably would want someone who isn’t very chatty, however if you talk a lot, that isn’t a total turn off. He would just want every conversation to have a deeper meaning behind it.
He is also a minimalist so if you are the kind of person who hoards things, you might have to change your lifestyle a bit to be with him.
If you ask questions like, “what is your plan for the zombie apocalypse,” he would certainly entertain this idea and go along with it, trying his best to give you a full, thoughtful answer, but don’t try to make meaningless small talk with him
Also be okay with just existing with each other rather than going out on dates.
If you are extravagant and extra tm then he aint the one for you chief.
😈Tokoyami: Edge Lord
You have to be the kind of person that is okay with his self-deprecation.
You two would make very dark jokes together probably.
If you have ever threatened to gouge your own eyes out or jump off a McDonalds sign to your death Im lookin at you.
Obviously its all jokes—a release to your perpetual state of existentialism.
You would also have to be the person that makes the first move. He would probably get a hint and close the space in between the two of you unlike Midoriya but he would most definitely still need you to make the first move.
He would love it if the two of you could just existent near one another, but would also be understanding if you needed more attention. He would find a happy medium by reading some poetry books aloud to you while you're cuddled up.
👀 Koda: A Soft Boss
You would have to be patient—he has a lot of reservations over pretty much everything.
So he needs someone to be more in charge in the relationship to pull him out of his comfort zone a little.
You have to be okay with being the one in the relationship to kill all of the house spiders (actually probably not kill—more like catch and release)
👣Hagakure: Preppy
You would have to be on pretty much the same vibe as her—energetic, upbeat and unafraid to speak your mind.
She likes people who are overall positive (girl, honestly, idk what else to put for her ass)
🦈Kirishima: One of the Dudes
You would have to make it very obvious that you were into him. He has a lot of things going on in the little brain of his, so a crush would probably fly over his head. He would just think that he admires you because you're so awesome.
The fact that he wants to hold you would translate into “I wanna arm wrestle them”
The fact that he wants to take you out on dates would turn into, “I want to hang out with my bro.”
You would practically have to scream at him that you wanted him to be more than friends. The friend zone is pretty much an inescapable abyss with this one, so you would have to try extra hard.
If you are the type of person that can sit through hours of action movies and still get pumped during the twelfth high speed chase scene, this might just be your mans.
If you don’t mind him being completely ignorant to your romantic needs at times and you basically just being best friends in your relationship then this might be the man for you.
If you have a habit of lying or a vindictive nature then he isn’t the one for you.
❄️🔥Todoroki: A Therapist
I could see him being with multiple different personalities since he is overall confused with human interaction. I feel like he would be willing to get to know anyone.
You gotta be patient with him though since he takes everything so literal (If you live off sarcasm then it will be super difficult for you)
He would like someone who is very understanding
A good listener, but also can give good feedback.
If you're the kind of person that gets uncomfortable with oversharing or can’t handle when people come to you with their problems all the time he ain’t the one for you.
🎹Yaoyorozu: Cheer-leading Captain
Someone to hype her up, but also lead.
She would certainly certainly be attracted to someone that is of a type A personality. She admires people who are driven and successful, so as long as she sees that you are putting in effort and have a strong sense of determination you're good!
This girl doubts herself so much, so you have to be willing to spend your time hyping her up.
Be willing to try 50 different types of tea.
She would certainly want to go out on dates all of the time, so if you are more of a home body she aint the one.
⚡️Kaminari: Mean Girl/guy
Literally anyone who will give him the time of day, but this boy loves a challenge.
If you are the standoffish, sarcastic, vindictive type then this might be your mans.
He loves rough banter and would totally be the type to pick on you just to see your adorable angry face. He thinks that it ‘spices things up’.
Probably into the more sensual typee of person as well (if you consider yourself a man-eater he would literally fall in love so quickly so be gentle okay? Don’t hurt our pikachu)
I feel like he’s the type of person that would ask you to “Yaaas! Please stomp on my face, kween”
Bonus points if your last name ends in an ‘o’ sound (shinsou, bakugou, jirou, ashido)
He is the type to want to show you off to everyone so if you’re the bashful or timid type then he might not be the one for you.
Mineta: Ew
Moving on… Nothing to see here folks.
🐷Ashido: Two halfs of a Whole Idiot
 Needs someone who will hype her up.
You would certainly have to be the one to sweep her off of her feet because I feel like she is so friendly that she just might accidentally friend-zone you without even knowing it.
If you quote vine/tiktoc daily then I am looking at you.
You would probably also live on social media so I could see the two of you being that cute couple on YouTube or Instagram that does silly/sweet things with one another. 
If you have a problem with a very loud, obvious relationship then she prolly isn't the one for you. 
😴Shinsou: The Mom Friend
He probably wouldn't enjoy someone who was constantly in his face (although if he did end up with someone like this it would be hella slow-burn-- an acquired taste if you will)
He would probably gravitate toward someone who calmly checks up on him and who he could lean on to give him motivational speeches. 
This boy is low-key emotional and has low self esteem, so if you are good at reaching through to him then he would certainly fall for you. 
I think that he would be the type to eventually become very affectionate and want to take you out on hella dates to (passively) show you off to the world.
If you are hyperactive and loud that might make him close himself off before you can break his emotional wall, so he might not be the one for you.
✨Aoyama: Ego Booster/Ballerina
someone who will believe in him and compliment him (or even just acknowledge his existence actually)
I could totally see him dating a ballerina, because he would be so enamored by their majesty. 
Like he finally found someone as magnifique as him, wow. 
You would have to be the type of person that is okay with very forward advances. 
Like get prepared for “will you go out with me?” spelled in cheese by your front door. 
If you cant handle people who chase this hard, then he might not be the one for you. 
🎞Sero: Not the Sharpest Tool in the Shed
He is idiot sexual and no one can change my mind
If you find yourself searching your kitchen every five minutes to check if there is new food, walking into a room of your friends to annoy them for five minutes before leaving, or have a album in your phone with over 1,000 reaction pics, I am lookin at youuuuu!
He would most definitely be the person to chase, but he would do it very carefully to test the waters.
He wouldn't chase too hard, so if his advancements would go over your head the first time you're in trouble!
☁️Uraraka: Girl/Boy Next Door
She would fall for a sweet guy/girl. 
they would have to be an overall, kind spirit, but still have great goals.
If you're the type of person that can goes “Oh look at the moon!” and then ends up talking about a random topic like Bigfoot or aliens while looking at the stars, I could see her falling for you.
More than anything I feel like she admires driven people, so if you have shaky or unsure morals or goals, she probably isnt the one for you.
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fangirl-imagines · 5 years ago
After Party//Bill Hader Fluff
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A/N: Set during Bill’s SNL days but Bill is obviously not married in this. The reader in this is a new cast member to the show. 
You downed the rest of your drink and slammed it down on the table with slightly more force than necessary. It was a good think Mulaney wasn’t here. You weren’t sure what you would say to him if he was. You thought he was your friend. Heck, he was even the one who told you that you should audition for SNL in the first place. But then he goes and does this to you. Kirsten sat next to you at your otherwise empty table and watched you with an amused smile.
“It really wasn’t that bad, Y/N.”
You looked at her incredibly. “Wasn’t that bad?! Really?”
She rolled her eyes, “We’ve all had to kiss someone for a sketch at one point. This was just your first time doing it on camera is all.”
“But how many times have you had to kiss someone on live television who is not only your coworker but also the man of your dreams? I was so nervous I bit his lip by accident. It completely threw me off my mark, I kept missing my ques for the rest of the night. Oh God, what if Lorren fires me?!”
“Y/N, don’t even think that way! You might be new but you’re also amazing! Lorren is not going to fire you for one bad night. If he did things like that then all of us would be out of work by now.”
You nodded, shakily. Picking up your glass you swirled the melting ice around in it. Scanning the party for Bill, you saw him halfway across the room talking with Seth. You sighed. It wasn’t fair that he could still be so attractive while you were such a mess. Honestly, you were a little surprised he was even here. Bill didn’t come to many of the after parties. He’d told you that he usually felt too awkward at parties and was too exhausted after the crazy hours you all pulled leading up to the show and was usually just ready for some much needed rest after a show.
You hadn’t planned on coming to tonight’s party at first. After the disaster of a show you’d had tonight you had wanted nothing more than to take a cab home and hide in your apartment until Monday, hoping by then everyone, especially Bill, would have forgotten about the kiss. You would have done just that too had Kirsten not grabbed you after your last sketch of the night and insisted on you coming to the party with her. You couldn’t say no to Kirsten. She had taken you under her wing when you had started at SNL and in many ways was your mentor and role model as both a woman and a comedian. 
After a few drinks you finally told her what had happened to throw you off your game tonight.
You had been friends with John Mulaney long before either of you had started working at Saturday Night Live. You had both gone to college together and were both English majors. You’d made sure he slept on his side when he was drunk so he wouldn’t choke in his sleep. You’d summarized the works of Jane Austin for him when he didn’t read the books. You’d met each other’s parents many times and had stayed up until the early hours of the morning helping each other write sketches. You’d think after all these years of friendship there would be some sort of loyalty, but no.
It was in one of those late night/early morning writing sessions that you had told him all about your crush on one very tall Tulsa native, Bill Hader. You’d confided in him how nervous it made you to be around Bill some times and how hard it made being in sketches together because as nervous as you were on TV already, being around Bill while on camera made it almost impossible for you to focus. So, what does your dear friend Mulaney do with this information? He writes a sketch in which you have to aggressively kiss Bill. And you did mean aggressively. 
You had to do it more than once too between dress rehearsals and the actual sketch but that didn’t make it any less nerve wrecking. You were too anxious to even enjoy the kiss. Bill had been a good sport about things though. He’d been nothing but respectful and had joked about it, trying to make you feel better when you were obviously nervous. You hoped he thought you just still had new cast member nerves about being in a sketch and didn’t actually realize he was the one making you nervous. You were almost positive everyone else knew though. 
Kirsten hadn’t even raised a brow when you’d told her about it as part of your ‘I’m sorry I sucked tonight but you can’t make me feel worse than I already do.’ speech. And if she knew then you were sure everyone else probably did too.
You poured some of the ice from your glass into your mouth and crushed it like you usually did when you were nervous. Kirsten shook her head, knowing you were too caught up in your own spiraling thoughts to really listen to her pep talk right now and sighed. 
“Okay, I’m going to go get us two more drinks and then we’re going to stratagize on what kind of hilarious sketches you’re going to write on Monday. This is all going to blow over, I promise.”
You nodded lazily, not sure if she was right or not, and watched her walk towards the bartender.
“Hey, Y/N?”
You almost jumped out of your skin when Bill appeared suddenly beside you, slipping into Kirsten’s seat.
“Sorry,” He chuckled nervously, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You didn’t.” You argued, trying not to sound as defensive as you felt. 
You felt an overwhelming urge to leave the table now and go call John to scream at him but stayed seated. Bill smiled but looked anywhere but at you before sighing.
“Look,” he started, “about that sketch tonight.”
Oh gosh, here it was. He knew. You bet Seth told him. Seth loved good gossip and he and Bill were friends, of course he told him. This was the part where Bill tells you that he thinks you’re great and all but we’re just better off as friends or some other similarly nice and humiliating version of that.
“It’s okay, Bill, you don’t have to-“
“I’m really sorry about that kiss. You were a great sport about it. Mulaney was-“ 
You both spoke at the same time but your ears perked up at the mention of John’s name.
“Wait,” You cut him off, “What about Mulaney? What did he tell you?”
Bill blushed slightly and shook his head. “I told him some stuff I shouldn’t have and he was just trying to mess with me.” Bill paused, looking at you curiously, “What did you think he told me?”
You shook your head, the gears inside moving as you spoke. “Nothing. What was he messing with you about-“
You stopped mid-sentence when it occurred to you the reason Kirsten wasn’t surprised by your feelings for Bill, the reason for the blush on Bill’s face and his nervous laugh when he sat down next to you. It wasn’t you that Mulaney was trying to get to with that kiss. John Mulaney was an evil genius of epic proportions. You cleared your throat and tried to keep the cheshire grin off your face when you spoke. 
“Wait, Bill, do you, do you like me?”
Bill rubbed the back of his neck nervously but nodded. “Is this going to make things weird now?”
Fueled with liquid courage and a post confession adrenaline high, you answered him by leaning forward and kissing him again with only slightly better precision than you had in the sketch but much better timing.
This time you didn’t bite his lip though.
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post-itpenny · 5 years ago
The Regret
A sequel to The Challenge.
Just as ridiculous as the first time. 
Dwight’s anxiety had skyrocketed to a level he never thought possible. Two trials after his run-in with The Legion and he had hardly slept, he couldn’t focus at all in trials, at the campfire he was always looking over his shoulder as if half expecting the masked teens to be right behind him.
Dwight adjusted his glasses as he made his way through the collection of tents and fragile structures that made up the survivors camp, coming to a small lean-to at the camp’s edge. Jake, like many of the vetran survivors, had plenty of time to gather the materials needed to make a more stable shelter. They never had to worry about rain but a warm place to sleep was still a luxury, Dwight had gone through enough nights sleeping by the fire without so much as a blanket to know this. He found Jake sitting outside the lean-to salvaging what was left of a beaten-up tool kit.
“I messed up.”
“I heard… Nea told everyone.”
Dwight sighed as he ran his hands through his hair, of course she told everyone.
“What am I going to do?”
Jake didn’t answer right away, instead taking the time to clean a few spare gears he had picked up somewhere. Dwight was used to this, he and Jake were two of the few that had been here the longest and understood Jake liked to take his time in answering; just as cool and level headed as always. Dwight once questioned Claudette why people didn’t see Jake more as a leader. Her answer was short- “he’s not meant for that pressure, that’s you.”
Jake finished his work, snapping the toolbox close before looking up at Dwight. “You and I both know the Legion has the combined attention span of a walnut. Keep low and give it a few trials, I garuntee someone else will do something stupid enough to outdo you.”
Dwight relaxed a little, Jake really did have a point.
The very next trial and someone really did outdo Dwight in level of stupid.
David King was running from The Huntress, as she threw a hatchet Feng screamed “yeet!” from behind and the killer just snapped. Pivoting on the ball of her foot and charging at the survivor with a speed Feng never thought her capable of. David panicked, Feng was on her third hook and he had to do something. David dashed ahead of the Huntress just as she threw a hatchet at Feng Min-
And David caught it.
Perhaps it was his previous life as a rugby player, or the power of adrenaline…. or maybe just pure dump luck. But David caught the hatchet by it’s handle, the blade inches from his face.
For once The Huntress was silent, staring open-mouthed in shock. David was surprised as well, looking at his wide-eyed reflection in the polished blade.
Feng however recovered quickly, dashing off without a second glance. The Huntress shook her head and yanked her hatchet free of David’s hand, taking off after the other survivor. Feng Min was hooked a few minutes later, David however didn’t come to his senses until the gonging of a bell triggered the endgame collapse. He and Adam being the only two to make it out that round.
That evening David’s catch was the only thing they could talk about. Truly legendary and what would be regarded by some of the survivors as King’s finest moment. The next day David was a part of the trial against The Nurse, the strange spirit seeming to regard the survivor with… uncertainty? It was very hard to tell what the apparition was feeling considering she wore a bag over her head and all. After a few minutes she seemed to make a decision-
And mori’ed him on the spot.
None of her usual soft regret came afterwards but Steve, who had been hiding nearby, swore on his ranger med kit he heard The Nurse rasp what sounded eerily like “yeet” before teleporting off.
When Dwight heard the story it was through Nea cackling about how The Nurse yeets herself around the map much to an annoyed David’s chagrin who was still struggling to get his breath back. Claudette fussing over him saying the killer really did a number on his windpipe.
Dwight chewed his nails, this wasn’t right, and he had a bad feeling it would get worse.
Two trials later and Nea was sneaking around Lery’s, with Nancy and Adam already dead it was just her and Tapp stuck with three generators. It didn’t help Nea was for once without a flashlight
She had just started working on a generator when spine chill went off. With no heartbeat she could only assume the killer, whoever it was, was either just out of range or had concealed themselves. Nea snuck away into the shadows, rounding a corner and climbing into a nearby locker despite her better judgment.
Nea held her breath, maybe it was Michael? He normally didn’t check lockers and she could get lucky. Unless it was-
“Boo!” Ghost Face laughed as he yanked open the locker door. Nea screamed and backed away only for the killer to grab her shoulder and pull her out of the locker. There was a bright flash and Nea found herself blinking away spots as the killer held up the screen of his camera for them both to see.
It was a picture of The Ghost Face and a panicked and confused looking Nea, the killer giving her a set of bunny ears.
“Yup, that’s definitely going on the wall.” Ghost Face chuckled, “ok Punk Rock you have two seconds.”
Nea was still trying to regain her sight, “wh-what?”
“One second.”
The survivor bolted, crashing into a stray gurney as she did so.
Nea probably wouldn’t have said anything except several copies of the picture were found on the log benches around the campfire soon after. They all laughed until Tapp asked the question of how the pictures got there.
The implications put them all on edge after that.
Dwight had become a nervous wreck, chewing off what was left of his nails as he made his way to one of the largest tents in the camp.
Nancy and Zarina had become instant friends over their love of investagative journalism. Nancy had been quick to begin documenting everything she could the moment she and Steve had first stepped into The Fog. She enlisted Jane to take every survivor’s testimony while she used every trial she was in to explore the nooks and crannies of the different realms to learn what she could. When Zarrina arrived these efforts were doubled. The tent served as a home base where their findings were stored and catalogued. Dwight, having never ventured inside before, was very surprised to see a map of each trial ground on display and an even larger map of The Fog half finished on a table.  
“These aren’t the normal maps,” he observed.
Zarina looked up from her writing with a grin, “correct!” Nancy had the idea to use a couple of the generator maps- along with a lot of observation- to make a detailed map of every trial. We found the totems, exit gates, and hatch don’t actually spawn at random! The Entity seems to like following patterns and will manifest these in a few choice locations.”
“No wonder you two find totems so fast!” Dwight gasped as he looked over the nearest map of Haddonfield in amazement at the detail. “So the larger map-”
“It’s a guessing game I guess,” Nancy chimed in. “We looked at how long it takes to enter a trial, what direction we were facing at the campfire vs. direction facing at the start of a trial, stuff like that. We could be wrong though… but we could also be right.”
Dwight looked at the maps in awe, then to the scraps of paper, stitched together notebooks, and folders that sat in stacks around the tent. It was all very impressive.
“Did you need something Dwight?”
Dwight shook his head, focussing again. “Y-yeah you guys have been taking notes on the killers yeah? H-have you noticed if-”
“They have been acting off yes!” Zarina grinned, grabbing three folders and flipping them open.
Inside were drawings Jeff had done of The Nurse, Ghost Face, and Wraith along with several pages on each killer.
“So yesterday Ash and Kate got back from a match saying The Wraith just followed people around ringing his bell the whole time. He even camped Yui after hooking her and rang that stupid bell in her face until The Entity came for her. Weird right?”
“Yeah I gue-”
“Then Nurse hardly says anything yeah? I think the most anyone heard was Nea who said the killer spent a whole match whispering some name over and over. Andy- Andr… I don’t know, Nea didn’t quite catch it. But what IS important is that The Nurse saying “yeet.”
“Though it was Steve,” Nancy pointed out, “he’s kinda dum-”
“But he is our only witness and no one has said that word in Nurse’s match at least in front of her AND she understood what it meant.” Zarina pointed out. “So with Ghost Face and the picture I now have a running theory.”
“What’s your th-”
“My theory is that perhaps just as the survivors can interact with each other outside of trials so can the killer’s! The Huntress must have said what happened in the trial with David-”
“So The Nurse got revenge?” Dwight questioned. “Why would she do anything?”
Zarina frowned, “first of all it’s rude to cut people off like that Dwight. But yes it may be that. My theory is that the killers are having a game of their own. Why else would Wraith and Ghost Face act so off?”
Dwight felt the bottom of his stomach drop out, “so would The Legion-”
“Sure why not,” Zarina reasoned with a shrug of her shoulders. “They’re a bunch of teenagers. Hell it might even have been their idea for all we know.” Zarina paused, as if she suddenly remembered something. “Hey Dwight, didn’t you-”
Dwight passed out again.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 5 years ago
Never the Fall That Kills You
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader, the other avengers
Word Count: 1,649
Warnings: just fluff
Summary: While on break, your friends, also known as the Avengers decide to make a visit to you at your beach house for some fun.
Squared Filled: watching the sunset for @star-spangled-bingo // vacation for @goodthingshappenbingo // beach trip for @capsavengersbingo // stargazing for @marvelfluffbingo // swimming for @fluffbingo // flattery will get you nowhere for @as-the-saying-goes-bingo // never the fall that kills you (U2) for @buckybarnesbingo // youtube for @marvelbingo
Author’s Note: If you have any requests, please send them in! This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
I am doing an 800 Follower Challenge and it would be awesome if you participated! It’s still going on!
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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Taking a break from being with the Avengers is probably the best thing you could have ever done for yourself. It’s not like you hated being around them--they were actually really good company and all of them were your best and closest friends. It was the job, the constant search for approval from the public, the need to always be better than everyone else--all of that was just too much on your emotional state.
You were easily replaced since all you did was hack into stuff and be their personal computer genius. Yes, there was Jarvis who was a lot better than you, but in certain situations, you were the person they looked for the most. That, and you had a special skill in mechanical engineer and helped create new and exciting technology for the team. It was fun work, but you like what you do now.
Now, you were a Youtuber, and you have a pretty big fan base since everyone was interested in your stories of being with the Avengers. Your Youtube channel consists mostly of you talking about the Avengers, having them on as guests to talk, showing off new technology that you create as a hobby, and reaction videos to comments and other things that fans want the Avengers to know. It was a fun job especially since you’re still on Tony’s payroll. It’s allowed you to live the lifestyle you want and to do the things you enjoy. He considers you family so he’s going to support you no matter what.
Those big paychecks have offered you a big beach house in New York where you can relax, go to the beach, test out cool technology, and anything else you wanted to do. Your beach house was huge, and it was often lonely for one person. There were at least eight bedrooms, six and a half baths, a big pool, a theater room, and a game room. Tony really wanted you to have it all and made sure to spoil you.
One of the great things about Tony is that he likes to surprise you when you least expect him. Usually, it’s just him, Steve, and Nat, but other times he’ll bring the whole group to hang with you. Times with them were so fun, and you had such great stories to tell your fans when they left.
About an hour ago, you had just finished recording and editing another video when you felt the wind pick up. It wasn’t windy all day, but then you heard the noise of Tony’s big ass jet headed your way. Looking at the sky, you shielded your eyes from the burning sun to watch the jet land on the sand. Almost all of the Avengers came piling out of it with summer items in their hands.
“Thanks for the warning,” you said, hugging Tony.
“I figured it was time for a visit. I brought the whole crew with me.”
“T-the whole c-crew?” you stuttered, feeling a blush creep up your neck.
“Yes, everyone,” he smirked, patting you on your back. He knew of your crush on the super soldier, and he used that against you every time he brought him over.
“Hey, it’s good to see you,” Steve smiled, giving you a hug.
“I thought Bucky was in Wakanda,” you asked, watching as the man of your dreams stepped off the plane.
“He was. We picked him up on the way. Good luck,” he whispered, patting you on the back. Great, Tony must have told him. Bucky made you so nervous, you didn't know what to do with yourself. He could ask you what the time was, and you wouldn’t be able to form a single word. It’s gotten better since you met him, but you were still a nervous wreck. If only you knew how he felt towards you, then maybe you could be better when it comes to presenting yourself to him.
Before he had a chance to come up to you and talk, you headed inside only to see Tony, Steve, and Clint messing with your Youtube equipment.
“Hey! Stay away from those! They are expensive!”
“Who do you think you’re talking to?” Tony smirked.
“Don’t make me smack you,” you glared. “So, what are you all doing here? I mean, I love your company, but you usually have a reason to visit.”
“We wanted to go on vacation. You have a beach house, and we figured that a beach trip was in order. Plus, I hear your pool is very nice,” Wanda smiled.
“Yes, it is. You all have Tony to thank for that. Alright, well, I guess if you’re all here, may as well make this a real party.”
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It didn’t take long for you to get situated since everyone was super excited to be here. Alcohol, food, and party games were set up all around the house. There were people in the game room playing beer pong but with shots, some were watching movies, others were seeing how far they could hold their breath underwater in your pool. You wanted to join Bucky, Natasha, Steve, and Thor in the pool, but you were super nervous since you were worried about what Bucky would think of you in a swimsuit.
It was super nice, and you loved the style of it. It fit just right, showed off the best parts of yourself, and made you feel pretty good about yourself. It screamed at you to put it on and show it off, but you were just so worried of what Bucky would think of you.
“Come join us! The water is warm!” Thor announced.
“Yeah, come in,” Bucky agreed. Well, if he wanted you to come in, then who were you to deny him? Taking a deep breath, you walked back inside and changed into your swimsuit and wrapped a towel around you. Walking outside, you headed to the group of chairs the others were occupying. By the time you came out, Natasha and Thor were laying on the chairs and soaking up what little sun they had. It was nearing the end of the night, so the sunset was just beautiful.
In order for you to do this, you couldn’t even look at Bucky. Unwrapping the towel, you let it drop to the ground. Bucky noticed the way it looked on you before you jumped in, and that image will forever be etched in his mind. Steve noticed the way he was looking at you, and he nudged his friend in encouragement.
“Go talk to her, man,” he whispered before swimming off. When you surfaced, you rested your arms on the side of the pool to watch the sunset.
“It’s nice of you to have us over,” Bucky said when he swam to you. Your body froze, but you made sure not to let him know how much he affected you.
“It’s not a big deal, really. I like having you guys over. I miss you. I-I mean, everyone. I miss e-everyone.”
“Is that a new suit? It looks really good on you.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere,” you half-joked. It surprised you how smooth that sentence came out, but instead of questioning it, you decided to go with it.
“Duly noted,” he laughed.
“You look good too. I mean, I like your swimsuit. N-not that I was staring at you or anything, but--never mind,” you blushed. And the smoothness flies out the window as if was never there in the first place.
“Thank you,” he grinned.
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The rest of the night was spent partying and having a good time with one another. It was only until everyone was asleep did you sneak out of the house to do your favorite thing in the world: stargazing. The stars were so pretty and bright this time of night, and because you don’t have a lot of pollution or light where you are, the sky was clearer.
It was silent and peaceful much like any other night, but you appreciated it more tonight. Maybe it was because you had guests over who were usually rowdy or whatever, but you did.
“Can’t sleep?” Bucky asked when he stepped outside. He noticed you standing outside all alone when he went to get something to drink and decided to see what was up with you.
“No, I just like to look at the stars,” you replied, your eyes not moving from the sky.
“They are beautiful,” he muttered, staring at you the entire time.
“Why aren’t you asleep?”
“Something had been on my mind the entire night, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep until I get it out.”
“What’s on your mind?” you asked, finally turning to face him.
“You. Everything about you.”
“I’m sorry, what? Me?”
“Yeah. From the way you look in the moonlight to the sunset to the morning. I miss having you at the tower because I miss you. You were the best part of my day.”
“Where is this coming from?” you whispered.
“I’ve been keeping this inside for so long, I needed to say it. It’s alright if you don’t feel the same way as I do, but I just needed you to know.”
Well, may as well come clean if he was.
“Bucky, I’ve been crazy about you since I first met you. God, if I knew how you felt, then maybe I wouldn’t have acted like such a fool in front of you.”
“So, we feel the same way for each other.”
“I guess we do,” you smiled. Bucky has been through a lot of shit his entire life. There have been a lot of things that could have killed him but didn't. He’s fallen so many times, he’s lost count. But one thing is for certain--it won’t be those things that will kill him…
… it’ll be you.
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writersblock2point0 · 6 years ago
Twilight, Alec LS. Seeing Nightmares (Chapter 24-25)
Hey guys! Sorry for the long ass time to update. I’m on spring break right now, and I’ve had some time to myself. This is a little shorter, but I’m getting there! 
This is set about two years after the last chapter. 
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Chapter 24
-Isadora POV-
It’s been almost two years since me and my brother’s birth and we now look about ten. My mom and dad are mates, as they’ve finally decided to get married. That was within a few days, and my mother was a nervous wreck. I tried many times to console her, try and get her to talk to me, but she just shoos me away and I find myself with Jane.
Aunt Jane was the best person ever! She always did my hair, told me funny stories about the other vampires here in the castle, and she didn’t mind playing dolls and tea party with me. We also looked alike, which I loved, because I admired her greatly. Eli says that I am a wannabe, but I’m not-I couldn’t be Aunt Jane, but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t get tips on being a ‘true lady’ from her-or Heidi, but that’s a different type of lady.
“Mother’s worrying again.” Evander whispered quietly, both of us are pressed against the door, hearing our mother’s graceful feet pad against the wooden floor of her room. After our powers were shown to the three masters, Aro gave us each a gift-our own rooms. Mine was across from Jane’s. Evander and Eli shared a room, mostly just because they always wanted to be together. Their room was the last room down the hall.
“We should leave her be.” I whisper, glancing at Evander’s worried eyes. I took his hand, knowing he’s always been a little more soft hearted than Eli or me, “She’ll be okay-I promise.”
“How can you be so sure?” Evander asks once we got down the hall, and turned to enter his and Eli’s room. Eli was sitting on their bed, back against the headboard, reading a large black book.
“Dad said she was fine, just normal wedding jitters.” Eli sighs, sounding bored and not at all concerned about our mother.
I placed my hands on my hips, cocking my hip and narrowing my eyes at him. “You aren’t worried?”
“Nope.” He replies, flipping a page.
I growl, “Meanie.” I muttered as I walked out, leaving the two buttheads to themselves as I walked down the stairs, quiet as a church mouse, stopping when I heard my mother’s name. Pressing myself against the stone wall, I peeked around the corner to see Felix and Demetri both conversing with Chelsea.
“She’s been in her room all week.” Chelsea says, her voice light and quiet as she looks between the two. “She’s worried.”
“It’s her wedding.” Demetri rolls his eyes with a shrug, giving her a smile. “She’ll ease up after they say ‘I do’.”
“Not about the wedding.”
“I’ve noticed her...reluctance to feed with us.” Felix comments, making my brow furrow, what did that mean? Mommy wasn't hungry. So what if she stayed in her and Daddy’s room?
“I think it’s because she’s not showing a power...she thinks Aro is going to get rid of her.”
“But Alec wouldn’t allow that.” Demetri says, and I feel myself nodding. Yeah, neither would I, nor would Evander or Elias.
-Emberly’s pov-
I paced my room, one of Alecs silky black shirts around my shoulders. The collar was pulled up and I took long breaths of his scent, making chills run through me as I turned and paced the room some more. I was restless, and I wasn’t hungry, I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t think.
Alec wasn’t here, as now that I was a vampire and didn’t need 24 hours worth of protection and nourishment, he was back to his regular duties of the castle. I usually spent my days reading or playing with my children, but I haven’t seen them for a day or two.
I sighed and walked into the bathroom, maybe a steamy bath would help? Get some candles and roses? I turned on the water, turning it to the hottest temperature possible before gathering some roses and and placed small red candles around the bath and shut the lights out. I got my Iphone, putting it on the doc that Demetri got for me for a small little ‘newborn’ gift and hit the ‘bath time opera’ playlist I had.
Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven played, Nov. 14 ‘Quasi Una Fantasia’ to be exact. It was beautiful and I slipped off my clothing while locking the door. It felt nice, even though the water didn’t feel that different. I closed my eyes, smiling as my body and mind relaxed. It was silent for a moment before the door bursts open. I jumped up, covering myself as two guards came in, their faces covered by their cloaks. They didn’t speak, only stalked towards me.
“What are you doing?” I asked, backing away as they grabbed my arms. “Let go of me! Stop!” They dragged me out, and I was thrown to my knees in front of the three masters. My body was wet and I was dripping on the rug, my hair in my face as I struggled to get free.
“Emberly, child.” Aro says, and I look into his eyes. They aren’t red, but black. Completely black, as if he had black holes inside of his head. He’s smiling, his mouth splitting his face as his head tilts to the side. He steps forward, reaching out to hold my face with long claw like hands, however they were dripping with blood. Why?
“A-aro?” My voice won’t work.
He holds my head up, “We told you Emberly.” His smile seems to get bigger and the room is darkening. Shadows dance on the walls, and whispers are around me. His hand forces me to look to my left, and I see a pile of mangled bodies. I make out the faces of my children, and of Alec. They’re bloody and lifeless. I feel a sob rake through me. “You will lose them. All of them. They’ve left you, Emberly.”
I’m taken to the dungeon, and I was thrown into a cell and chained to a wall, it was cold and dank. The door shuts with a loud thud, and I can hear them. The voices, the laughter. The sound of scurrying along the stone walls. I can see them. The black figures walking and crawling around, stopping and staring with blood red eyes.
“Alec!!” I scream, my voice breaking as I forced the name out as loud as I could. “Elias! Evander! Isadora!” I keep calling but they aren’t replying. No one is there, no one is helping. I hide my face in my knees, holding my body as I sob and shake.
Chapter 25
“Emberly?” The voice is far away. I squeeze my eyes shut, not watching the shadows dance. “Emberly!” Hands are on my shoulders, shaking me.
My body is jerked, and on reflex I open my eyes as see my own reflexion. Alec was standing beside me, his face twisted into pure confusion. I blink, my chest heaving with unnecessary breaths. If my heart could beat, it would be at a dangerously high level. I hold my chest, not sure what is wrong with me. I look at Alec, his eyes never leaving me as he holds his arms out, as if he was waiting on me to collapse.
“Alec?” I asked, seeing he was alive, and perfectly fine in front of me. The image of him dead, along with my children was horrifying.
“Did it happen again Dove?” I nod, closing my eyes and allowing him to lead me to the bath. “It’s not the wedding that is making you upset, is it?” I shake my head, and the sound of his sigh hits me before the tuft of air that left him does. “You should not worry. You are my mate, you do not need a power.”
His hands are quick at bringing the robe off my shoulders, and I feel it fall to the floor. He mouths at my shoulder, teeth scraping along my skin. His arm wrap around my waist and pulls me close. “Dove, you must relax.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“The children are worried.” His voice is hushed in my ear, “Everyone is concerned, even the masters.” I resist the urge to roll my eyes, I doubted they were worried about me. He pats my hip with his right hand, “Come.” He gets me into the bath and starts to take off his own clothes. I look away from his body, not wanting to stare. He slips in behind me and holds me to his front. I close my eyes, letting my mind wander as the music picks up a happier tune.
He ran his hands over my shoulders, pressing into my skin gently. Being a vampire was so strange. On one hand, it made everything more enhanced, and on another, it seemed that nothing was able to cause me pain unless it was another vampire. If I were human, the amount of force Alec uses now would bruise me. Now, it’s almost like he isn’t touching me hard enough for me to feel him.
He places a kiss to my neck, “Dove, I promise you.” Tingles danced down my spine, and I sigh, looking down into my watery reflection.
“I’m sorry.” My voice was weak, throat raspy from lack of use. I hardly spoke to anyone, save for Alec and my little ones. I felt like no one would understand if I told them how I felt. I was not showing a power, which bothered me. The Volturi are known for the vampires having abilities. All useful abilities. What use am I to the only family I have if I do not have a power? I do not want to be a burden, and I do not want to make them weak. I want to be useful. Alec says he understands, but I feel that he doesn’t. Not really. He’s been one of the prise guards and assets of this coven for over a thousand years. He’s always been one of the most respected and highest members, so how could he understand?
“Hush,” Alec’s spoke in my ear after a long silence, arms wrapping around my waist to pull me back into his chest. The water lapped around us, the heat dull but somewhat there.
“I didn’t say anything.” I answer, turning so my head rested under his chin.
I feel him smile, “You were thinking too loud.” I hum, closing my eyes and allowing myself to drift off into an almost sleeplike state. Alec purrs, vibrating under me as he holds me closer. I’ve come to know that when Alec does this, it is a way for him to be affectionate, but also his way of trying to relax me and keep me content. A vampire thing, one I never really understood. He only purrs when we are together and alone, in a setting such as this.
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afewmarvelousthoughts · 6 years ago
Taking Time Part 1
Master List | Part 2
Could you do a Thor request where the reader is Tony’s sister and Thor and her always had feelings for each other but timing was never right and right after Infinity Wars, everyone goes to regroup and rest, she and Thor find comfort in each other since she doesn’t know where Tony is and he’s lost everyone he love (but her)?
Pairing: Thor X Reader (Though it’s kind of a lot of Tony X Sibling Reader in this half.)
Summary: For years you and Thor have had a tumultuous relationship, to say the least. After the snap, you meet up with what’s left of The Avengers at the compound to not only figure out where the hell your brother, Tony, is but also to lick your wounds. Thor is among them and the two of you finally take the time for one another because if you’ve learned nothing from this nightmare it’s that tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. 
Warnings: Nothing in this half.
A/N: So, HUGE thanks to this Anon for the above request. I didn’t expect to be so inspired but I’m off to the damn races already as you can see. This will be a two or three parter I think. But, it’s me. I like to write. Who the fuck knows. Also, mainly because the request kind of demands it and not because I don’t like Jane Foster, this is written assuming that Thor and Jane weren’t ever a couple. 
Tags are open! 
@disagreetoagree @unalive-mee
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Slowly everyone started to scream. The sound rose, at first harmonizing before falling into a cacophony. Your own scream was right there, lodged in the back of your throat, refusing to come out and join the chorus. One by one your staff turned to ash around you. Panic.
Outside the windows, Los Angeles was falling apart. The street was blocked with cars and bodies, smoke already rising from the wrecks. People ran en masse out of the office buildings, filling the sidewalks with seas of crazed citizens. Chaos.
“Stop!” you bellow to the ten people running for the doors as you activate the panic switch in your Stark smartwatch. “If you go out there you’ll be caught in that madness, it’s not safe.” The mechanical sounds of doors being sealed echo. Another touch overrides the standard emergency alert message and you address the building.
“Attention this is Y/N Stark: The Stark Foundation Tower is on full lockdown. We have not received word as to what is happening. Please, remain calm and care for the people around you as best you can. If anyone is in need of medical attention send them to the top floor and I will see to them. We will share information as soon as it becomes available. Thank you.”
Your eyes fall to your assistant’s desk, ashes dust the region from where she fell. Without another word, you slam the door of your office and activate the privacy filter on the windows.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., what in the actual fuck is going on?!”
“I don’t know, Ma’am,” the AI’s lilting Irish voice responds. “It seems to be a global event.”
“Christ,” you swallow the scream again. “Get, Tony.”
“I can’t.”
“Excuse me?”
“Mr. Stark cannot be reached, Ma’am.”
“Override whatever bullshit reason he has for not being reached and get my brother on the line F.R.I.D.A.Y.”
“Ma’am, Mr. Stark is not currently on Earth. I am unable to reach him.”
For a second your vision blurs, “Repeat that F.R.I.D.A.Y.”
“Mr. Stark is not currently on the planet Earth. I am unsure of his whereabouts.”
“Is he-“ bile rises. He can’t be.
“No, Ma’am,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. responds, “Not to my knowledge. He was pursuing an alien assailant a day ago, prior to this event, and left the atmosphere.”
“Christ, Tony.” You collapse into your chair. “Where’s Pepper?”
“I have lost all signs of Ms. Potts.”
Now you can’t help it, you lunge for the trash can beside your desk and vomit, “Ha… Happy…”
“I have lost all signs of Mr. Hogan.”
You sit on the floor, lean against your desk, draw your knees up, resting your forehead on them. Suddenly you’re 10 again except even Tony is… “F.R.I.D.A.Y.”
“Yes, Ma’am?”
“Please tell me Rhodey is ok.”
“Sargent Rhodes is showing strong vital signs.”
“Thank fuck. Can you reach him?”
“I will try Ma’am. He is currently in the nation of Wakanda.” What the hell was Rhodey doing in Africa?
“Y/N!” Rhodey’s familiar voice bellows over the comm and you flick his image before you, “Are you ok?!”
“Relatively speaking,” the building has gone eerily quiet. “Where the fuck is my brother Rhodes?!” Rhodey’s face tells you all you need to know. “Fuck,” your head falls back and hits the desk with a thud.
“Where are you?” Rhodey’s tone is full of concern.
“The Foundation offices in L.A.” You look back to his image, “What’s happening?”
“It’s too much to explain. Pepper?” You can only shake your head, “Christ.”
“Why are you in Africa?”
“Again, long story.”
Then you see him behind Rhodey. His hair is short and he looks haggard but you’d recognize him in any condition, Thor.
“Y/N,” his voice is small. “You’re…”
“Alive,” you finish. It’s about all that matters at this moment you imagine.
He nods, “We shall come for you, immediately.”
“Hold up,” the image shifts as Rhodey’s hands rise in protest. “We don’t know what we are going to do just-“
“You can do as you wish but I’m going to go get her now!” This bellows.
Rhodey’s tone is calm, “Now is not the tim-“
“Not the time!?” You swear you hear thunder crack in the background.
“Can you two shut the fuck up!” You yell into the comm. They do and suddenly they’re both back in focus. “Thank you.” Massaging the bridge of your nose you continue. “I am not some damsel for you to come rescue, Thor, I know your intentions are good but Rhodey’s right now isn’t the time. I need to make sure what’s left of my staff is ok and try to get them back with their families…” If they had any left, “Contact me as soon as you know the plan, Rhodey.”
“Will do, kid,” Rhodey says with a stern nod.
“Thor… I’m glad your here,” he doesn’t respond, just skulks off. You’re about to end the transmission when Rhodey pipes up.
“And, Y/N,” his tone is somber, “use the suit.”
[Six months before the snap.]
Tony’s image pops up over your desk without warning, startling you. He's lounging back in an office chair eating an apple. “How’d you like your birthday present?”
You roll your eyes, “The Porsche is lovely Tony, but kind of unnecessary. Now if you don’t mind,” you raise your hand to end his intrusive call.
“Porsche? Oh, Pepper must have done that. How coudl she think I’d forget my favorite sister’s birthday.” Your annoyance is peaking. You were 37, not 17 (one of the many birthdays he did, in fact, forget if your memory serves, and it unfailingly does), and you had work to do.
“Tony, unlike you I like to do productive things with my time, wha-“
“I’m productive,” he sits up in his chair.
“You’re retired, what? At least twice over and you tinker on overpriced hobbies.”
“That cuts deep, sis.”
“I’m sure.” Suddenly your door flings open and one of Tony’s drones is hovering in your office.
Jade, your assistant, is behind it staring in horror, “I’m so sorry Ms. Stark! I did-“
“It’s fine, Jade, not your fault. And, please, call me Y/N.”
“Yes. Ok, sorry Ms… I mean, Y/N,” with that she closes the door and the drone gently places what looks like a watch box on your desk.
“She’s new.”
“She’s young and you’re engaged are you not?”
“I only said she was new,” Tony retorts.
“Mhm,” you roll your eyes and pick up the box. “This is a little elaborate for a watch, Ton.” Though the biometric scanner on top tells you this is something else.
“Just open it, Y/N.”
You do. Inside are a Stark smartwatch and a matching bangle. Both appear to be rose gold, a trend you’re begrudgingly loving, and you have to admit they are rather gorgeous. “Oh,” you lift the watch, “My current one is working perfectly, Tony.” You still slip off the old one and attach the new one to your wrist.
“Put the bracelet on your right.” Tony is staring intently and you’re sure he’s up to something.
You do, “Ok…” you’re nervous.
“Show her F.R.I.D.A.Y.”
There’s a zinging and suddenly tiny rose gold and matte grey scales are sliding up your arms. In seconds you’re engulfed in armor, the helmet snapping over your head before you can protest.
“Voila!” Tony exclaims, his smug tone ringing inside your helmet. The screen clears and you can see his image, still hovering over your desk.
“Really, Tony?” You don’t even attempt to hide how annoyed you are. “We talked about this.”
“No, you, talked, Y/N. I simply pretended to listen.”
You sigh, “I don’t need this.” The helmet retracts, seemingly reading your thoughts.
“Neat huh?” Your brother looks like a proud child and not a man pushing 50.
“Yeah, sure, it’s neat.” The suit continues to retract. “But again-“
“Just wear the fucking set, please,” a shadow flits across his eyes.
Your eyes narrow, “Tony…”
“I… I just like the thought that you’re protected. You didn’t like any of the other styles so I’ve been working on this nanotech so you can have something… unobtrusive.” He shoots from his chair and paces. You know better than to interrupt and cross your arms waiting for him to find his way to the real point.
Finally, he makes his way back to his seat and slumps into it. “Ever since Pep and I got engaged I’ve been thinking about family… Actually since…” You knew where he was going. Since the situation with The Accords, since you two had it out over his stance on The Winter Soldier, since you told him he was wrong. You two had hardly spoken.  
Your eyes meet through the camera. He looks like that lost 21 year old suddenly. The one who not only lost his parents but had to become one in the course of a night. “I know I haven’t always done right by you, Y/N. I know I was never… what you needed me to be-“
“Let me talk,” he holds up a hand. “And after the last few years, all this chaos… I just I know what’s important and I need to protect it.”
“I appreciate that,” and you do but… “How, exactly, does this help?” You hold up your wrists. Your brother, though you loved him, had a tendency of throwing money at his problems rather than actually dealing with them. Once again, this felt like that.
He smiles a bit, “Now we can meet up whenever we want, screw waiting on planes!” Your eyes roll and your head falls into your hands and you groan. “I’ll sleep better at night knowing you can protect yourself against almost anything.” You look up at your brother. “Hopefully, you never have to use it… but please… for me…”
“Fine,” you sigh. “At least you got the color right.”
“Actually that was me,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. chimes in.
You both laugh. “Plus I can’t let you watch my future spawn if you don’t have your own suit. Ok, love ya sis byeeee!” And with that, he rings off.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. is Pepper pregnant?!”
“No, Ma’am.”
You shake your head, your brother was ridiculous.
[Present day.]
Your finger runs along the band of the watch. “F.R.I.D.A.Y. how many Stark Foundation employees are left in the building?”
“Fourteen, Ma’am.”
“Are they all on this floor?”
“Is there any news on what’s happened?”
“No Ma’am.”
“Ok,” you sigh and pick yourself off the floor. There was no sense in sitting here. People needed help. Your people needed help. The rest you’d sort later.
The next three days speed by in a blur. Every single one of your remaining employees had lost someone dear to them, it was terrible but you’d managed to get them to their homes safe and ensured them they would continue to be provided for indefinitely.
The bottom floors of the tower you owned in downtown L.A. were being used as temporary housing. People were flooding into the metro areas as some towns had lost half or more of their population and couldn’t function. Five of your employees had offered to run the shelter. You’d only used the suit once, even then it was just to clear some of the immobilized cars from the roads so service vehicles could pass.  
Finally, the call from Rhodey came, “How’re you holding up kid?”
This endearment used to rankle but now that 40 was fast approaching you kind of liked it, “Ok. Have you heard from him?” You hate how your voice rose, hate how desperate it sounds.
“No, Y/N… I’m sorry…” you both stay silent for a minute, knowing that this may mean you never will. “We’re heading to the compound. Can you meet us there?”
Clearing your throat, “Yeah.”
“See ya soon, kid.”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. think you can help me get this thing to the compound?” You’d flown short distances in some of Tony’s other suits but never this one and never so far.
“Of course, Ma’am.” The suit wound its way across your body, “Whenever you’re ready.”
There wasn’t any point in packing. You had clothes at the compound and you could get whatever you needed later. Strolling out to your penthouse balcony you take a breath, “Let’s go.” With that, your helmet covers your face and you’re off.
It only takes you about three hours to get to the compound. This included a stop atop the Rocky mountains just because you could. The sun is just beginning to set as your feet touch the ground.
“No one is here yet, Ma’am, and the rest of the staff was sent away per protocol” F.R.I.D.A.Y. informs you thought you already assumed as much, “All is secure.”
“Thanks, F.R.I.D.A.Y.” The suit slides back into its housing, “Can you have all the schematics for the nanotech up in Tony’s lab? I want to look at it later.”
“Of course, Ma’am.” Everyone knew Tony as the tech genius and you were the philanthropist but you’d also gone to M.I.T. and knew your way around advanced technology like any self respecting member of the Stark family.
“Oh, and F.R.I.D.A.Y.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Since we’re going to be chatting more can you please call me, Y/N?”
“You got it, Y/N.”
The silence in the well lit common space is oppressive. You run your hand along the back of the couch and your mind wanders back to the last time you were here. After your brother had returned home from his fight with Steve.
Tony had been adamant that he was in the right.
[Flashback: Just after Tony returns from Russia.]
“He. Fucking. Killed. Them. Y/N!” He’d screamed in your face.
“From what I’ve heard he wasn’t given a choice, Tony! You can’t kill someone over-“
“I didn’t!”
“No, you said you wanted to. And like a petulant child you just couldn’t reel in your fucking emotions and look at the situation with a level head!” He’d been silent for a few minutes.
“Fuck it. Here,” with a flick of his hand, the TV lit up with a grainy video feed.
A car, a crash. Every part of you wanted to look away knowing somehow what this was.
Your mother’s voice crying out, “Howard!”
“Fuck you, Tony.”
“Still think he deserved mercy?”
“Fuck. You. Tony,” you turn to leave and he grabs your arm.
A gunshot echoes, “Still think I’m a petulant child?!”
You rip your arm from him and growl, “Yes.”
“Wow,” he released you. “I mean really… just wow.” He points to the screen, “Our fucking parents, and you think the man who killed them is just some innocent lamb. I thought you’d-”
You pick up the vase next to you and hurl it at the TV before the video loops, the screen splinters. He stares at you, unfazed. “If you say ‘be happy’ I swear to fuck I will never speak to you again.” You’re shaking, “Killing him wouldn’t have brought them back. It wouldn’t have made anything better. But maybe if you had taken a few seconds to think about someone else’s emotional well being you could have saved your friendship, saved your team!”
You take a few steps away trying to calm down and failing. “But no!” You’re screaming at this point, “You can never look past your own fucking pain can you?!”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!”
Tears prick the back of your eyes, “I was TEN, Tony! That night you just so lovingly showed me? Ten fucking years old. You had 21 years with them, a whole childhood! I had ten fucking years. Then all I was left with was you and Jarvis, he was gone two years later and what do you do?! You send me off to boarding school because I was in the way of your good fucking time!”
Your whole body is shaking, “I can count on both hands the number of times we’ve talked about them in 25 years, Tony. Because you couldn’t dare to feel some pain on my account because I can’t remember them like you can.” The tears finally spill over, silent and almost as hot at your rage, “I can hardly remember what her voice sounds like most days so thanks so fucking much for making me hear that you selfish piece of shit.” You wipe your tears. “Fucking rot alone with your fancy suits for all I care. I’m out.”
[Present Day]
The memory makes you shake. It took almost a year for Tony to speak to you. He had never fully conceded that you were right, that if he had thought things through maybe that terrible situation could have ended better. He had, however, admitted he regretted the way he handled things with you, how you’d grown up. He had been trying to make more of an effort. He had apologized for showing you the video.
Now… if he was gone. The thought takes the wind from you and you collapse into one of the armchairs. If he was gone, you had spent the last two years in flux because neither of you could keep your emotions in check.
Money, you thought, can buy happiness but it sure as shit can’t buy emotional stability.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“Can you tell me how far out they are?”
“Two hours.” Perfect. Enough time for a shower.
You’re wrapping your long brown hair in a towel when F.R.I.D.A.Y. pops up, “The Quinjet is 10 minutes from landing.”
Not caring you toss your hair into a messy bun, slip into one of your brother's tees and a pair of skinny jeans. The watch and bracelet hadn’t left your wrists.
You hadn’t thought to ask Rhodey who all was coming, who had made it… You guessed you’d find out soon enough as you make your way to the landing pad.
The jet settles and the bay door opens. Rhodey rushes out and crushes you in a hug. You don’t fight him. James Rhodes had been like family for most of your life. And as it stood he was the only family you had left. Tears pricked at the back of your eyes but you refused to let them fall.
He holds you at arm’s length, his own eyes glassy, “I’m so glad you’re ok, kid.”
You rub his graying hair, “I’m glad you’re ok too old man.” He chuckles and you look past him fully expecting to see Thor. Instead, “Banner?!”
“Hey, yeah,” Bruce waves awkwardly.
Nat smiles at you, “Thor isn’t here.”
“I’m happy to see you too ya know,” and the two of you embrace.
“He said he was taking the long way, whatever the hell that means.” You look around for the source of the unfamiliar voice. Someone clears their throat and you look down.
For a second you just stare. “… is the emotional trauma and decades of substance abuse finally catching up with me…”
“Not yet,” Rhodey answers.
“But if you’ve got any additional substances to abuse laying around I could use some,” the fucking talking raccoon says.
“His name is, Rocket,” Steve says stepping down.
“Good to meet you,” you nod, suddenly not worried about the fact that everyone is acting like this is a totally normal thing. “Steve,” you smile, genuinely happy to see your friend.
“Y/N,” he draws you into a hug. The look you both exchange says you know that a long conversation will happen later.
There’s a crack of thunder. A flash. And with all the subtlety of a crashing freight train, Thor lands just outside the concrete pad. For a moment you’re genuinely annoyed at both his overdramatic choice of entry and your heart for rising into your throat at seeing him.
His eyes meet yours. They're so sad, and tired, his shoulders slump. Suddenly you know something is terribly wrong. All social niceties are thrown to the wind, you rush him. He meets you half way and lifts you into his arms burying his face in your neck.
He trembles against you and you realize he’s softly crying, “Thor?”
He looks at you, eyes blue pools, “I thought I’d lost everything. But here you are.”
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veliseraptor · 6 years ago
hey, i've been reading the everything sucks au again and I have a question: does natasha know about all the shit that went down? like, is she aware that loki died? if she is, how did she react? did she hear a rumor, did Bucky tell her via secret code, or did she hear about Ross's death and saw the state of the weather and put two and two together? and how would she react to loki coming back?
HEY THANKS FOR REMINDING ME HOW MUCH I LIKE THIS VERSE, I just wrote almost 2k tonight of this because I got so wound up about it. tony snuck in there so sorry about that but it’s still really about natasha. 
anyway for those of you who forgot - the everything sucks au is the au of remember this cold where ross has loki executed before steve arrives at the raft. it’s got a tag of its own, or if you prefer a version posted on ao3.
and the deep river ran on, 1.9k, natasha pov, some natasha & tony
At least Tony gave her advance warning, so Natasha had time to go thoroughly to ground before Ross’s people caught up with her. And she did - she knew how to do it, had always been ready to do it, like she’d known someday it would come to this no matter how desperately she’d wanted to believe it wouldn’t.
Everything ended. She knew that better than anyone.
Still, it stung.
She kept her head down, way down, for the next two months. It was only when she came up for air that she learned that Secretary Ross had been murdered. In his home, single gunshot wound to the head. The official word was no suspects but Natasha dug into the files (risky, keep your nose out of it) and if she couldn’t be sure…
Looked like the Winter Soldier was back. She would’ve said on the warpath but it didn’t seem like he’d hit anyone else - just Ross, and that made a nervous prickle crawl down Natasha’s spine.
Steve, was her first thought. If something had happened to Steve - if Ross’s people had caught up to him somehow - but no, if it had been like that it would’ve been all over the news. Plenty of spin, sure, but they wouldn’t be able to keep Captain America’s death quiet.
There was a possibility that Barnes had just lost control, but then she’d expect a lot more bodies. Steve wouldn’t just let Barnes go off and kill someone, no matter how pissed off he might be, which meant Steve either hadn’t been there to stop him or hadn’t been able to.
Her list of possible conclusions was narrowing fast, pointing in one direction. Because if Steve wasn’t dead, and Bucky had gone after Ross, and no one had stopped him from doing it…
There weren’t a lot of people Barnes would do that for. Steve. Sam, maybe.
And Loki.
Shit, Natasha thought, and went looking for records. Didn’t take much to track down Ross’s secret underwater prison. They’d saved records of the security footage - she found the cameras for the cells first, and watched her friends: Wanda rocking back and forth in a straightjacket, Sam pacing, Clint lying on his back and staring up at the ceiling with one hand behind his head. At least she knew they’d been freed - that was in the news, the ex-Avenger fugitives. Where were they now?
She didn’t know enough.
What she did know, though, before too long, was that her hunch had been right. Timestamped footage of Loki’s execution, tucked away in the databanks. There were other files in the same folder; Natasha opened one and watched maybe thirty seconds before closing it and exiting the system, slipping out of the internet cafe she’d been working from.
She walked three blocks before sitting down in a park, spine straight, and breathed. Piecing events together. Steve and Bucky had gone to Siberia to deal with the other Winter Soldiers there. Loki must not have gone with them - must have stayed back with the others, and been captured. She’d bet that had been Vision. Other than Thor, Bruce, and Wanda, he was probably the only one with the raw power.
From there, it looked like it’d been a short road to Ross having him quietly eliminated. It made sense. Loki was dangerous, next to impossible to contain. And - based on those other files - valuable for other reasons.
Steve came back to free the others, because of course he did. By then, Loki was already gone. And afterwards…
God, Steve.
Natasha’s feelings on Loki were - complicated. And that was putting it mildly. She didn’t trust him as far as she could throw him. But at the same time - he wasn’t what she’d thought he was. Over the past few years, he’d done nothing bad - unless you counted what he and Barnes had done to Hydra, which she didn’t - and a surprising amount of good. That he loved Steve was beyond doubting, and he’d managed to forge friendships with Barnes and Wanda both, and mended fences with Thor. And he’d apparently been willing to sacrifice himself to give Steve and Barnes a fighting chance.
Oh, shit, Thor. Steve was one thing. Steve would turn inward, blame himself, rip himself to shreds. Thor, though...Thor would turn his fury outward. Where that wrath would fall…
Maybe on the whole planet. Almost certainly on Tony.
Natasha pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes and then let them fall away. “Fuck,” she whispered hoarsely. She’d known things would be bad. But this bad?
She half thought she should just go back underground. Weather out the storm. She wished she knew a way to reach out to Steve, or if her presence would even be welcome. Would he blame her, for supporting the Accords? For his loss?
Did she blame herself?
She could probably track down Clint, if she tried. Talk to him. It would be a comfort, probably; he usually was. But maybe he’d be angry with her, too.
Natasha should be used to being alone, but just now, she was very aware of it.
It wasn’t hard to know when Thor came back. When he knew. Monster storms lashed the planet, the sky cracking open with the force of a god’s rage and grief. There were no reports of Tony Stark’s death, though, and she was pretty sure that would’ve made news. Natasha reached out, carefully, to Jane Foster, but she didn’t answer her phone.
No word of Steve Rogers. No sign of the Winter Soldier. The storms died down, eventually.
Something drove Natasha back into the files on the Raft. She wiped the entire folder that held all the footage of Loki. It was a stupid gesture - meaningless, really. But whatever Loki had done–
He deserved better than that. Than having his death and desecration reduced to a few megabytes on a government server.
The message from Tony caught her by surprise. He said he wanted to see her. She thought about ignoring it - thought hard about ignoring it - but in the end decided she’d take the bait. He wanted her to come to his place in Malibu, which she declined, requesting somewhere public instead. They went back and forth in coded messages for a while before Tony sent one that said, please Nat I need to talk to someone.
Weak, she thought, settling into Tony’s lab, but she was still here.
Tony looked wrecked when he came downstairs and stopped dead, looking at her. After a second he just made a face and said, “yeah, okay,” before stepping in. “Um. Hey.”
She didn’t respond. His words to her still stung. Old habits die hard. He shifted, and rubbed a hand down his face. “So you’re pissed at me too, huh,” he said. “Go ahead, get it out of your system.”
Natasha just leaned on the table. “I don’t have anything to get out of my system,” she said. “You said you needed to talk to someone. I’m here.”
Tony sank down onto a bench. “Ross killed Loki,” he said, after a moment.
“I know,” Natasha said. She hesitated before asking, “where’s Steve?”
Tony’s expression spasmed, tightened. “Wakanda, right now.” That didn’t come as a particular surprise.
“Have you talked to him?”
“Is he the reason you’re here? To find out how he’s doing?” The bitterness in Tony’s voice was unmistakable. Natasha just leveled him with a look, and Tony’s lips twisted. “Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, I have.”
“And?” Natasha said, when he didn’t expand.
“Not like we’re having many heart-to-hearts these days,” Tony said. “But I’d say he’s probably better now that Loki’s back from the dead.”
Natasha was sure, at first, that she’d misheard him. Then she was sure she was misunderstanding.
“Yeah,” Tony said. “Back from the dead. We did that. Thor and Steve and I. They all left about a week ago.”
“What the hell are you talking about,” Natasha said.
“I know,” Tony said. “I know. I thought they were crazy, when Steve came asking me for help, but - guess not. They did it. We did it, I went with them, it seemed like...seemed like I should, even if, if they both hate my guts right now. Maybe forever. But I thought maybe it would, I don’t know, help.” His laugh was raw. “Yeah, not so much. Fuck. But yeah, we found the bastard, dragged him out, he was crazy as a shithouse rat - wouldn’t stop screaming for I swear to god the first ten fucking hours even if he ran out of voice after about three. Kept going anyway, though. And neither of them - Thor, Steve, neither of them would hear anything about how maybe he wasn’t going to just - bounce back, be fine–”
Natasha was still trying to process back from the dead, but Tony was certainly painting a vivid picture. She could see it, too: Thor and Steve both closing ranks around Loki. It wouldn’t matter how crazy he was, how damaged. They wouldn’t care.
“It got better, I guess. Sort of. He was walking and talking by the time they took him out of here, anyway. But he’s - fucked up. Deep down broken, maybe. And I don’t know, maybe I did the wrong thing, brought back something that shouldn’t be here…”
He trailed off.
“Why’d you do it,” Natasha asked.
“If you had all these misgivings,” she asked, keeping her voice neutral, “why’d you do it? Why did you help?”
“Everything’s fucked up,” Tony said after a moment, his voice hoarse. “I didn’t think - I didn’t want him dead. I didn’t think Ross was that stupid.” Natasha said nothing. She didn’t think she needed to say that at least two people had told him that would be exactly what Ross would do; she was sure he already knew. “Loki dying - broke things. And I know that was - at least partly my fault. So I thought if I helped get him back…”
“It didn’t work,” Natasha said, not a question. Tony snorted, harsh and humorless.
“No,” he said. “No, it fucking didn’t.”
She couldn’t say she was surprised. Loki might be back now, but that didn’t erase the fact that he’d died.
“I’m sorry,” she said, and meant it. “I know you didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“No,” Tony said, sounding relieved. “I fucking didn’t. Thank you.”
“But it still did,” Natasha said.
Tony’s expression turned bitter. “You too, huh?”
“We all have to face the consequences of what we do,” Natasha said. “I know I am.”
Tony’s expression wavered. “Jesus fuck. It’s not all my fault. I was just trying to…” He trailed off, and his shoulders slumped. He sighed, looking away. “I thought I could fix this.”
That’s your problem, Natasha thought. You think you should be able to fix everything. “Some things,” she said, “you just can’t.” She stood up. “It’s not safe to contact me. For either of us. Don’t do it again.”
She left. She thought maybe this - Loki’s resurrection - should feel like good news, but she only felt more alone than ever.
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awol-newt · 7 years ago
our family of choice AU masterlist
sunbeams will soon smile through (good morning)come on and play (what do ya say?)This is the masterlist for my “our family of choice AU” series.
In chronological order, titles only:
we will rise above all the ash
the darkest country road
take me home (mommy, i’m coming home)
two of us (riding nowhere)
they say that time's supposed to heal ya
love and security and family and maltesers 
friends and allies
this isn’t oliver twist
chase the monsters away (don’t be afraid)
i’ll play my fight song
come on and play (what do ya say?)
it’s a brand new day (i know i’ll be okay)
there’s dirt on our uniforms
blue eyes, blue eyes
fox in the snow (where do you go?)
driving away from the wreck of the day    (and it’s finally quiet in my head)
after the bombs
we fight those demons (day in and day out)
beaches, music, family, and love
all will be well
it's rock and roll (kind of love)
something is fishy in this here town
calamity jane isn’t bulshar
sunbeams will soon smile through (good morning)
it’s not about your scars (it’s all about your heart)
with a little help from my friends
can i be the kid for your soul to keep?
soon the fog will clear
Chronological order with summaries after the cut.
In chronological order:
we will rise above all the ash
Summary: everybody thinks about family a little differently. the scooby gang is no different. here are six brief character studies on thoughts on family.
part of 'our family of choice au' but can also stand alone - the darkest country road
Summary: One revenant left.There’s only one revenant left to make his peace before they finally, finally, end this godforsaken curse. Before they can breathe a little easier. Before they can begin to heal after so many years of fighting, fighting, fighting.
Before Alice can come home.
They just have to find him first, and that's easier said than done. - take me home (mommy, i’m coming home)
Summary: It takes them four years to break the curse.
Four years to succeed where previous generations of Earps had failed. Four years of fighting tooth and nail for a future without fear, without the weight of the curse bearing down on them, all the while wondering if they’ll come out of this alive.But they do it.
Alice is finally coming home and family means everything. - two of us (riding nowhere)
Summary: Nicole and Waverly are nervous about possibly taking on the responsibility of a child. Both of them share fears and anxieties. If only the two of them actually talked to each other about them.
Neither Nicole nor Waverly wants to worry the other, so they play a broken record for a couple of their friends. - they say that time's supposed to heal ya
Summary: Wynonna isn’t good at apologizing. Honestly, she’s pretty awful at it if her encounter with flipping August Hamilton is any indication. It also made at least one other thing perfectly clear — Wynonna has hurt a lot of people and she won’t ever win a popularity contest in Purgatory.
She isn’t good at apologies. But she needs to get this one right. She needs for this one to be real and good and honest and genuine. Because she needs Alice to know.
She’s sorry. - love and security and family and maltesers
Summary: Nedley always said that there will be one case that really gets to you, that crawls beneath your skin and makes a home there, nagging and ever-present from that moment forward. It’s the case that will change your life in some way or another. The case that could make or break you as a person.
For Nicole, it's a case that leads her to a little girl named Belle and a heart that doesn't know how to do anything but love fiercely. - friends and allies
Summary: It’s been three days since the fight. Since she heard more screaming and hollering from her ma and papa than she ever heard before — and that was a lot. Sometimes they’d shout so much that she’d hide somewhere other than her room just so they couldn’t find her easily and start in on her, too. Three days since everything changed.
And today — today Waverly and Nicole ask her if she would like to meet some of their family this weekend. Because Sunday dinners once a month are a thing because family is important and so is the reminder that you aren't alone in the world. Except Belle just isn't sure what all this means for her when she doesn't have a family anymore.
It's time for Belle to meet some adorable psychos. - this isn’t oliver twist
Summary: Nicole doesn’t notice it at first. The way that food seems to go missing like the sleeve of crackers from the brand new box that she bought over the weekend. Or the last bagel from the cupboard. She figures it’s Waverly taking snacks into the office for Alice and Belle on the days that Gus can’t look after them.She doesn’t notice that food keeps disappearing until Lonnie barges into her office holding the brown sack lunch that she knows his wife puts together for him every morning. - chase the monsters away (don’t be afraid)
Summary: There's a monster under Belle's bed. It comes for her in her nightmares, and she wakes up crying, "Nicole! Nicole!"
Nicole just wants to be a good foster parent and protect and love the little girl in her care. Because she made a promise of love, security, family, and maltesers. - i’ll play my fight song
Summary: Nicole's radio crackles and the dispatcher's voice sounds through the static. "Sheriff?"
"Go for Haught."
"Purgatory elementary called, ma'am."
It's Belle's first day of kindergarten and already Nicole is hearing from the principal before the day is over. - come on and play (what do ya say?)
Summary: “I thought it’s supposed to be a sexy cop outfit.”Wynonna leans against the doorway to the kitchen, already gnawing on a Tootsie Pop that has turned her lips cherry red. The hood of her rainbow onesie is pulled up around her head and she has her creepy horse mask in the hand not holding onto her third lollipop of the night.
It's Belle's first Halloween with all the crazy that is her foster family and its adorable psychos. - it’s a brand new day (i know i’ll be okay)
Summary: “You know that you need to stop being dumb and go help your girlfriend, right?”
Nicole shakes her head and explains, “She got mad when I didn’t cut the crust off the sandwiches the ‘right way’. I’ve been instructed to ‘keep the peace’ until everything is ready and the girls are here.”
Wynonna snorts. “Yeah. She’s in full panic mom mode.”
“This is important to her, Wynonna,” Nicole chides, feeling protective even though she knows it was said in jest.
It's a found family picnic/party because an occasion such as this is worthy of celebration. -
there’s dirt on our uniforms
Summary:  Violence is never the answer, except when sometimes it is. Like when it comes to punching Champ Hardy's evil spawn in the schnoz. Nothing like punching Champ Hardy's evil spawn in the schnoz while sporting some sick Buzz Lightyear light-up sneakers. - blue eyes, blue eyes
Summary: “So. Wanna tell me why your cousin broke Chump Jr.’s nose?”
Wynonna wants to know why Belle sucker punched Bradley James in the schnoz, and she asks Alice for the answer.
A follow-up ficlet to there's dirt on our uniforms. - fox in the snow (where do you go?)
Summary: Belle pulls at the knit toque on her head, trying to tug it over her ears, which are starting to sting in the cold. She waits, kicking at a pine cone on top of the snow. It sails down the hill, broken apart by the force of her kick and already brittle from the wintry weather.
She isn’t particularly sure that they should be doing this. Her mama told them to stay out of trouble because she had to run into town to drop something off at the station. She said she trusted them not to do something that Wynonna would do because they’re smarter and more responsible than that.
Does building a toboggan obstacle course on the steepest hill on the homestead count as smart and responsible?
(Probably not.) - driving away from the wreck of the day (and it’s finally quiet in my head)
Summary: The scene is familiar. The two of them, sitting on the floor and passing a bottle of whiskey back and forth. Both of them more than a little drunk. This time, however, they’re in Nicole’s office with the blinds closed and the door shut and locked, leaning with their backs against the couch.
Silence settles on them like a blanket. It’s suffocating, oppressive, and too damn heavy. They sit like that for a while, pensive and languishing under too much weight on their shoulders and on their souls.
“Today was hard,” Nicole whispers, peeling back the quiet just enough to breathe a little easier. - after the bombs
Summary: Nobody would say that Wynonna Earp doesn’t know how to cope.
They just wouldn’t say that she knows how to cope well.
Especially when she drives out to the outskirts of town with a bottle of whiskey, a box of ammo, and a long-standing quarrel with the Welcome to Purgatory sign. - we fight those demons (day in and day out)
Summary: It’s been three weeks since Wynonna turned up at the house with her arms wrapped protectively around Nicole, both of them smelling like cheap whiskey and looking like a rough night personified. Three weeks since Nicole ran into a hostage situation like a brave idiot, only to watch an entire family cut down in less than a minute. Three weeks of being distant and stubborn and stupid. They need to talk.
Nicole is pretty awful about admitting that she needs help. - kodachrome
Summary: Focus, click, wind.It's Belle's birthday and time to play hooky with a trip to the big city. All she wants is a camera, a trip to the park, a nice dinner, and maybe some ice cream for dessert. 
Nicole thinks that she can make most of those things happen. - beaches, music, family, and love
Summary: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We've been cleared to land at Jose Martí International Airport where the local time is 2:40pm. It's currently a balmy twenty-seven degrees celsius with sunny skies and no rain in the forecast. We know you have lots of options when it comes to flying these days, so we thank you for choosing to fly with Air Canada and we hope to see you again soon.”
A Wayhaught family honeymoon. - all will be well
Summary: Wynonna is turning forty. This year, that means a party at Moose Lake.
For Nicole, it means everything.
Nicole loves her found family and everything is beautiful and nothing hurts. - it's rock and roll (kind of love)
Summary: Belle waits patiently, watching the grin spread across the older girl’s face. More than a minute passes and Belle’s patience wanes. “What is it?” she finally asks.
Alice grins even bigger and belly flops onto Belle’s bed. “We’re going to start a band.” She says it like it’s the best idea that she’s ever had. Her blue eyes hold a glimmer of excitement, waiting for her cousin — her best friend — to say something.
a tribute to the 80’s mixtape AU by gilligankane and thegaysmurf - something is fishy in this here town
Summary: “Harriet the Spy,” she reads the title aloud.
“Like that really old movie?” Vanessa asks and she’s leaning forward over her tray of meatloaf and mixed vegetables — because school lunches never change — to get a better look at the cover.
Belle opens it to a random page and reads the first thing that catches her eye. She looks up. “I think it might be,” she tells them. She thumbs through it to another page, green eyes quickly skimming over the text with practiced ease. “Yeah. I think it is.”
Belle and Alice are inspired to become spies. - calamity jane isn’t bulshar
Summary: “No,” Nicole says firmly. “Absolutely not.”
“But, mom, where else will she go? Look at her face!”
Belle pouts and lifts the cat as high as she can to try to shove its face into Nicole’s.
Belle finds a cat on her way home from school and of course it turns into more trouble than any of them expect. - sunbeams will soon smile through (good morning)
Summary: “Hey! You gonna help me or not?”
“That depends. Do you have a fire extinguisher this time?”
“That was one time and you were supposed to be in charge of the waffle maker.”
“It had faulty wiring.”
“You almost burned down my moms’ house.”
“Shoulda has a fire extinguisher handy.”
Belle wants to make breakfast for her moms and enlists Alice's help. She's not sure if she would have been better off with or without it. - it’s not about your scars (it’s all about your heart)
Summary: "Why did we think a bar fight outside of Shorty's was a good idea?"
Alice and Belle end up in the drunk tank at the sheriff's station. No regrets, though. They'd totally do it again. - with a little help from my friends
Summary: Officer Paten rests her hands on her duty belt as she saunters toward them. Her eyes look pointedly at the cling wrap box still in Wynonna’s hands to the mickey of Jameson that Nicole is holding. Behind them is a truck wrapped almost completely in plastic wrap.
“Sheriff,” the deputy drawls.
“Officer Paten,” Nicole greets as if they haven’t just vandalized somebody’s property. - can i be the kid for your soul to keep?
Summary: Sometimes sadness creeps up on you like a looming shadow that you don’t notice until it towers over you, blocking out the warmth and the light. Sometimes you can see it coming from a mile away, slow and steady like an impending storm that is set on a collision course for your heart and mind, ready to devastate you whether you're ready or not.
Belle isn't ready for it. She doesn't expect it. It knocks her on her ass and leaves her there to cope. Her family reminds her that she doesn't have to do it alone. - soon the fog will clear
Even though she knows that this, too, will pass, her dark days linger. Sadness still wraps its way around Belle's heart and mind and soul, and even if her family can't make things magically good again, they can make things better. Little by little.
A follow-up to can i be the kid for your soul to keep?.
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leigh-kelly · 7 years ago
55 is going to be a great addition now! :)))
A continuation of this.
Santana is a nervous wreck the next morning when she wakes up. The last thing she expected when she’d gone to bed the night before was for a drunk Brittany to show up in the middle of the night saying that she liked her. She’s still skeptical about it, because she’s her, and Brittany is Brittany, but she gets out of her pajamas—which she’s still mortified she was wearing when she saw Brittany—and changes into jeans and a Jane Eyre t-shirt, trying to read The Awakening on her bed while she waits for Brittany to show up.
Before she leaves for the day, Rachel whines and complains about being woken up during the night, but Santana just rolls her eyes. It wasn’t exactly her choice either, but drunk people do stupid things, and that is precisely the reason why she’s so concerned that sober, Brittany won’t mean anything she said today. Finally, after noon, there’s a knock on the door, and Santana jumps up from her bed, smoothing her shirt and going to open it.
Brittany stands there in her pajamas, with her hair up in a messy bun. She looks really adorable, and Santana wants to scream. She hates that she looks like that, she hates that she has feelings for her, and she hates that Brittany is so much cooler than she’ll ever be. But she lets her into the room, and Brittany takes the desk chair, while Santana shoves her book to the side and sits cross legged on her bed.
“So, uh, sorry I came here in the middle of the night last night.” Brittany starts.
“It’s not a big deal. Just...apologize to Rachel next time you see her, so I don’t have to hear about it until the end of time.”
“Okay, yeah. I will. I mean, as long as I can still come around here.”
“I’m not banning you from being around here.” Santana sighs. “It’s just like, a dumb thing, whatever.”
“I meant what I said last night about liking you, Santana. I mean, I like you a lot. Probably since the first day I met you, but I really love being your friend, so I didn’t want to mess everything up. But now I feel like I did that by kissing you anyway.”
“You didn’t.” Santana whispers. “I really liked you kissing me.”
“Do you like me?” Brittany asks bluntly, and Santana feels her stomach turn with nerves.
“I do. Hanging out with you is always the best part of my day. I hated that it got weird, and I was scared it wasn’t going to be normal again. I mean like, I never really liked anyone the way I like you, and I’m pretty sure no one has ever liked me in return, hence, you know, the dumb thing that I’ve never kissed anyone before, so—“
“Hey Santana?”
“I don’t think it’s dumb that you’ve never kissed anyone, and I’m glad to be the first one who did. You’re really cute, and I love that you’re a big dork. It makes me feel like, weirdly warm and fuzzy inside. I think it’s cool that you wear shirts from TV shows I never heard of, and have written Rizzoli and Isles fan fiction. I like you a lot, and I’d totally like to kiss you again.”
“So then shut up and kiss me already.” Santana cocks her head to the side, butterflies in her stomach as she prepares for it this time. Something about that is much more nerve wracking than being caught off guard, but once Brittany leans in, she feels like she can breathe again.
It’s an awkward position, with Santana on the bed and Brittany at the desk. Santana tries to figure out how to fix it, but then Brittany stands up so she’s hovering over Santana, and puts both hands on her face to deepen the kiss. Santana is still confused about her hands, but finally, she settles on wrapping her arms around Brittany’s waist and pulling her in closer. Their second kiss is so much better than the first, especially because Santana doesn’t feel like she might have a heart attack, and when it’s over, Brittany gently rubs her nose against Santana’s, and she breathes in Brittany’s scent.
“Wow, that was good.” Brittany murmurs, brushing her lips against Santana’s once more. “I think I need to do that more often.”
76 notes · View notes
cyberstabbing · 8 years ago
Non AUs/Somewhat Canon
Unequivocal - This is how it would have happened. 38k
Hear Me Out - It’s not so much the turning into a girl that’s a problem; that’s happened before. It’s the fact that Frank doesn’t turn back. 23k
Okay but this …  was so much more than I could have hoped for. Definitely raised the bar for everything else.
Ice Cubes And Rubber Bands - “It’s hot.“
”Shut up.“
”It’s so fucking hot and I’m melting.“
“You’ve said that like fifty fucking times in a row now shut the fuck up and stop whining!” Frank grits through his teeth, wiping the sweat off his forehead.
“It’s not my fault that we are stranded here in the middle of fucking nowhere, Frank”, Gerard says, a bitchy undertone in his voice. It almost sounds like he’s trying to pick a fight. Frank takes a deep breath and closes his eyes; it’s too fucking hot to deal with Gerard’s allures right now. 7k (if you include part two)
Breakdown on the L.I.E. - Frank jerked awake when his dream was interrupted by a squealing banshee, which turned out to be the van grinding and squealing to a halt. 6k
every man - “I won't—we’re a band, Marc,” Gee says, “I’m not—shit. I’m not the girl who stays home.” 1k
with the lights on - Frank is weirdly chivalrous in some ways. He always opens doors for her, he lights her cigarettes like he’s in a forties movie or something, and he always offers her the last seat, even if it means that he has to sit on the floor. 10k
Sparkle Motion - For the next week, Gerard woke up every morning to a new list of Words that Describe how Gerard is In Bed pinned on the fridge. It disappeared after one of them wrote, ‘Sparkle Motion’ because, Bob explained to Gerard, they felt they’d nailed Gerard’s essence with that one. 6k
A Natural Reaction to Rough-housing - He made it to the bathroom and stood there leaning heavily on the sink, staring at himself in the mirror. He didn’t look like a creepy sadist. But neither did Christian Bale, and that hadn’t ended well for anybody. 27k
Sweet Caffeine (and Love of Liberace) - In which Brian tasered them into it, Gerard read too many comic books as a kid, Jamia isn’t worried about anything, and Bob doesn’t wear a codpiece. 4k
Now Honey, Don’t You Cry - Frank has always had an irrational fear of thunder, but when it causes a breakdown beyond that of ‘irrational,’ Gerard vows to find the truth. 6k
Pavlov’s Dog - It’s during one of their coveted hotel nights that Frank finally has enough. 1k
Reaching Through The Mirror - The one where Party Poison and Basement!Gerard have sex. 5k
(part one of Time Travel ‘verse)
James Cameron Got It Wrong - In which 2005!Frank and Fun Ghoul get it on. Then Frank accidentally winds up in 2019. 56k
(part two of Time Travel ‘verse)
Whatever I Want (Whatever That Is) - The first time Frank walked in on Gerard going down a girl in the dressing room, he was pissed. 9k
Distance in the Afterlife - Gerard comes out. 15k
The One Where Ray Can Hear Sex Dreams - I’m really sorry, Mr. Toro. But I didn’t make you have sex with anyone, as per your request. 2k
Heart On - From early days touring in vans to Projekt Revolution, the tour crew swears that they’re not homophobic, they just don’t want to see that shit. Frank takes it as a personal challenge. 13k
I died laughing like 17 times.
Just A Spoonful - It’s actually something of a relief when Frank walks onto the bus to find Gerard learning how to sabotage a car. It’s better than the last time, anyway, when he was trying to snort coke through a rolled-up condom wrapper. Or the time before, when he was passed out in a pile of glass shards. All things considered, wrecking random cars would be a step up for him. 1k
When I Think About You (I Touch Myself) - Van!era bodyswap. Gerard is a narcissist. 2k
You’re so cute when you’re slurring your speech - If this is what Frank wants, then fuck it. Just fucking fuck it. Frank can have it.(Or, Frank wants to bone Gerard. So he does. A lot.) 8k
Ride - This is the coolest place the band has ever stayed at. 15k
jerseymisery wrote this description: ​okay this is an ULTRA FAVE!! the whole fic has such a dreamlike sort of quality to it? it gives me such great vibes of like summer and transience and SHIT LIKE THAT.. it’s set during bullets i’m pretty sure which is. COOL. it just feels like a snapshot, a moment in time.. i really like it. go read it! it’s frank x gerard and mikey x an oc. 
ierohero's write-up: https://ierohero.tumblr.com/post/188897569757/im-reading-ride-again-theres-literally-no
Link to author (they also wrote some fics below)
Sick - It was sort of sick, since Frank was, like, younger than his little brother, but Gerard had wanted to kiss him from the very first second he saw him standing up on stage and smirking into the microphone.
“Who’s that?” he asked Mikey.“That’s Frank,” Mikey whispered back, like it was some big secret or something, hissing the words into Gerard’s ear. “That’s the guy I want you to meet.”
“Figures,” Gerard muttered. It just fuckin’ figured that the first guy he’d wanted to fuck in, like, a semester would be the one Mikey wanted for the band. 5k
Broke - Frank is sick. A companion piece to Sick. 5k
Fucked Up - It’s hard to describe the multitude of ways in which Frankie is fucked up, although Gerard keeps trying. He lies in his bunk at night listening to the other members of the band breathing, soft radiator hisses, the occasional snore, and tries to enumerate to himself what’s wrong with Frankie. He thinks that maybe if he can figure out what the problem is, he can fix it. He’s always been sort of an optimist. 1k
Reasons We Don’t - “Why don’t we fuck?” Frank asks, tipping his head back to blow smoke at the sky. 7k
subterfuge of tiny proportions - It usually takes Gerard hours to wind down from a show. He has this crazy wired look in his eyes when they come offstage, all sweaty and flushed and jittery. He touches people more, talks a little louder, a little faster. Even now, even after all this time, it still gets to him. The nervous energy, the screams of the crowd, the music. Frank watches him every night, because when he is like that, he’s beautiful. And because when the stage buzz wears off, he crashes, hard and fast. 1k
He Told Me I Could Never Go Back - Everything was fine until Frank disappeared. 2k
this broke my heart.
Up Against Your Will (HERE is the chapter index) - Stepping into a world so different from their own, Frank and Gerard struggle to survive. 18 chapters
this was amazing, but also hard to read in some parts, bc of the non con and gore :/ not my cup of tea, but I did love the word building and the fic overall.
When I Was a Little Girl - Frank is a dyke. Period. She doesn't like boys. At all. But if you squint (or you're drunk enough) sometimes Gerard totally looks like a girl. 26k
Silken - Gerard can't help but notice the way Frank bites his lip and shifts in his seat when an interviewer brings up his day in drag. Frank's almost normal when he nudges Gerard with his shoulder, raising his hands in the air and laughing, "Oh, yeah. Man, you should have seen him - like Christina Ricci, you know?" but Gerard can still see the imprint of his teeth on his lower lip and files that away while he relates the story about how the conductor was really nice to him and how he'd managed figure out how to sit without crushing anything vital by the end of the day. <1k
Pushy Little Fuck - "Anyone ever tell you, Iero, that you're a pushy little fuck?" Gerard says, rearranging Frank against his side. 
Frank just grins at him and says, "S'my middle name." Frank Pushy Little Fuck Iero. There's a song in there somewhere. 1k
The Kind They'd Like to Flaunt - When Frank first meets Gee, officially, it's because Ray saw Frank from across the room and put him into a headlock to get him over to his booth. 1k
How Dirty Boys Get Clean - Gerard stinks. Frank convinces him that bath time can be such fun. 1k i think?? maybe 2k
Under My Skin - "Maybe," Gerard had said one night, scratching idly at Frank's scalp, "it was something you ate?" "Maybe," Ray said, "it was some kind of sex pollen." Frank growled and said, "maybe if you don't shut up right now I'm going to kick your ass." 1k
Body of a Venus (lord, imagine my surprise) - Gerard is dressed like a girl and decides to pay Frank a visit. 1k
​Never Looked Better And You Can’t Stand It - For once, Frank is the self-conscious one. 1k
In the Dark - The problem wasn’t that Gerard was stupid; the problem was that he wasn’t always the most observant guy around. Sometimes he just misses things that maybe he should have noticed. He hadn’t thought anything of it the first time Frank had pushed his hands out from under his shirt and said, “I’d rather touch you.”
(Or the one where chubby!Frank is really self-conscious and avoids having sex with Gerard with the lights on.) 2k
Jane Doe - Frank meets a mystery girl at a party. When she turns out to be not such a mystery (and not such a girl), he’s forced to make some hard choices. Set in fall 2000. This isn’t an AU, but some details have been changed. 9 chapters
This fic, man… this fic… An amazing read (though unfinished). Really shows how unbalanced affection and care can be, and leaves you uncertain yet hopeful for their relationship. Here’s an excerpt:
”The heat’s on as high as it goes,“ Gerard said, glancing over with concern. Frank wondered if Gerard would have noticed his trembling if they hadn’t been making out feverishly just a few hours beforehand.
Edit 22/10/2019: I just found out there was a ninth chapter?? Holy shit okay lets go.
Moonlight Model - Frank's a photographer. Gerard's a model. Only not really. 1k
Pack - Frank's a very playful werewolf. 1k
I Wish I Were A Ghost - Halloween is Frank Iero's birthday. It's also the day when the veil between the world of the living and the dead is at it's thinnest.
A ghost-story. Short and sweet. 1k
Immutable - Frank and Gerard are sitting in bed, talking about frank's tattoos, and it's beautiful. 1k​
Curl - Gerard finds Frank tied to the seatbelt in the back of their tour van. Sexytimes ensue. 2k
no sleep - Gerard looked terrible, hollow-eyed and sweaty, and it was still only just after midnight. <1k
the second time the band saves gerard's life - ​soberty fic. 1k
Half the Battle - People tend to assume Gerard is an alpha. Frank knows better. 1k
Afresh - As much as Frank tells him there's never been a time he didn't love Gerard, Gerard knows Frank definitely doesn't miss the days when he could sometimes smell him from the other room. 1k
Just Because - By the time Gerard asked Frank to join the band, the only answer Frank had left for him was yes. 4k
Holding Out For An Iero - When Frank gets his chestpiece, he doesn't have sex for a week. 5k
An Inexplicable Occurrence of Angels - 35k
This was on my Fics-I-Can’t-Find-list, and since this one doesn’t have a description, I’ll just paste in what I could remember from reading it last year: ​
My Chem (minus Frank) broke up after Revenge. One day Frank kinda shows up (can't remember how). Frank's an angel with big wings and is hopelessly clueless about the world, so the rest or My Chem have to help him. They take him on walks and it looks like he has a hunchback bc of his wings. I think Frank doesn't even know any words in the beginning, but he learns english quickly. Loves watching movies. Everyone in My Chem basically crash at ray's place bc of Frank. And they're all Hey... maybe we should pick up the band again...? 
UPDATE: okay i just reread it and it’s sooooo good holy shit. especially the last chapter. there was a comment on AO3 about how they would come back and reread the last chapter over and over again because it made them so happy. that’s probably what i’m gonna do from now on.
A Necessary Requirement - description by jerseymisery ... i think: ​it’s like a warped tour fic i believe, god it’s so fucking funny, the dialogue is gr8.. basically the whole fic is frank wanting to know what gerard’s dick looks like okay dhgvjsdghg. 3k
Twenty Percent Down - We're rock stars," Frank says firmly. "We're not moving back to live in our parents' basements." 7k
House hunting!
"What's your credit rating like?" he pants out. "I - what?" Gerard stops mouthing Frank's skin and lifts his head up. ^ Never fails to crack me up.
One Hundred Percent - (Almost. Maybe.) - Frank sighed. "I'm playing tonight," he said, firmly. "It is a fucking sore throat. Luckily, I am not the lead singer. I can play my fucking guitar with a sore throat. I can play it with my eyes closed. I am fine." (11,400 words of, you know, Frank being sick. A LOT.) 11k
Raspberry Swirl - The time that the whole band woke up as girls was maybe the weirdest. 16k
Away With The Boys In The Band - Behind the Music: My Chemical Romance, in the world where Mikey has always been a girl. 69k
Ship(s): Mikey Way/Otter, Mikey Way/Gabe Saporta, Mikey Way/Pete Wentz, Mikey Way/Alicia Simmons
^ I could not put this down. The writing is so so so spectacular, and the dialog is both interesting and realistic. A lot of angst, but still hilarious at parts. Please read.
Update because I need to add some things: Listen! Words can not express how obsessed with this fic I am. I made a mixtape for it. Fanart. Currently working on a ebook version of it so I can print it out. Guys. You do not understand how fucking fantastic this fic is. Don’t scroll away from me, I’m serious! Fucking click the link dammit. Click it. C’mon. I’m waiting–click iiiiit. You back yet? Yeah? What did I tell you! I know, it is amazing! You okay? Got tissues? Good. Okay now go wash your face and eat a snack. No, no, no need to thank me, the pleasure was all mine.
Any Way You Want - ​Gee Way is fronting early MCR when Frank spots them in a shitty bar and immediately finds himself immersed in the energy of the music; not to mention the addictive personality of the lead singer. 18k
​Sucker Bet - Since Frank's currently got a sloppy handful of Gerard's hard-and-getting-harder cock, oops kinda seems like an understatement. But Frank's a practical kinda guy. 2k
A Helping Hand - Frank just wants to be able to jerk off. He doesn't think that's too much to ask. 6k
Frank the Failiest Vampire - Frank's a vampire, and he's finally ready to let the world know. 0.9
a not!fic
Three Sharp Bites - When Frank had imagined the joy of finally finding a helpless thrall who would tilt back his neck for him, displaying the jugular with a undertone of love and utter submission, he didn't really expect it to include the joy of being bent almost in two while his mate fucked the living shit out of him. 0.7k
part two of Frank the Failiest Vampire. This isn’t a not!fic though.
Fantasy Book - This was really, really not normal behavior for Gerard - not for real, normal Gerard, and it was even a little abrupt for the imaginary Gerard who lived in Frank's head and came out during his Special Alone Times with his dick. 16k
The Year of Living Safely - Post-sobriety MCR. This is as much about me and my own brother as it is about the Way boys, and Christ was it hard to write; it brought a lot of painful things to the surface. 12k
Incredibly painful but worth a read. Or ten. One-sided Frank/Gerard.
second word, one syllable - Prompt #60. Frank loses his voice and has to use notes, texts, charades, etc. to communicate. 4k
More Than He Can Say - Frank doesn't know what it is about tonight. 2k
I've Got Friends in Closed Spaces - Written for the no_tags challenge for the prompt of 'accidental frottage.' Set in the middle of a tour, vaguely 2004. 4k
it’s the hide-and-seek fic! i’ve been looking for this for an eternity.
​First Class - Gerard is totally disturbed, because he's sort of obsessed with making Frank drool. 1.6k
Party Games (Eureka!) - Gerard has awesome ideas. 2k
MCR: untitled no.1 - Gerard plays piano in the loosest sense of the word - plays, with fingers stuttering a little in the air above the white keys and even more over the black ones; body hunched over and shoulders tucked in as soft lines form between his eyebrows. Zero-point-something k. 
and here’s another piano drabble by the same author!
just like it was - Basically, I had this really urgent desire to write about Gerard's high school reunion. <1k
love on the webways - As a writer, Grant supposes he could have considerably worse habits than trolling his own message boards.
A totally ridiculous AU vaguely inspired by You've Got Mail. 32k Grant/Gerard
This was so fun to read! It’s a what-if-they-broke-up-after-tbp fic btw.
you weaseled your way into my heart (and ferreted out my feelings) - You gotta watch out for those bands with umlauts. 5k
Reverberation - Frank feels like he just fell off the stage, staggered directly from the lights and out into the long hallway backstage, tipping over into the momentary quiet. 1.5k
Not a Pretty Girl - 28k
Gen. Always-been-a-girl fic featuring kick ass female drummer, Bob Bryar. The story is a series of shorter fics all about her life before MCR, growing up as a woman in the Chicago scene, touring with The Used, joining MCR and everything that comes with that. It's awesome. + art!
I Am a Patient Boy - So this is an AU about Gerard being a girl named Helen (after her...grandmother?) and Frank being sort of, head over heels. 5k
“He goes to the next show alone. It’s in this basement club, red-lit and smoky. Frank stands on a chair at the back of the room. Over everyone’s head so he can get a good look.”
This fic follows Frank as he leaves Pencey Prep and joins My Chem in 2001. The author changed a lot of details though, so I recommend thinking of it as an AU in how the band formed. Unless you want to yell at your screen at 1am for it getting the timeline wrong (like I did).
Not Smashing Windows - In the beginning, they were the scene. An origin story. 32k
From Gabe’s POV, and it’s done flawlessly. It somehow emulates the same feeling one gets from stumbling across an overlooked short film at three a.m. on youtube. The one you can’t help but wonder about, how it is that you’ve never heard about it before. Like it is in its own bubble of existence. Feeling afraid to even breathe or look away, afraid that it’ll disappear at any time, that it was too good to be true. Something you shouldn’t be able to hold in your hands. This fic feels incredibly personal to read. Gabe’s longings of intimacy, the hopelessness at parts. I could feel my fondness for the characters grow enormously in this fic. The wording and conversations and scenes paint a brilliant picture that will stay with you for a long time. I know it will for me at least. Ship: Gabe Saporta/Mikey Way
For a Different View - AU. Ray Toro is a girl, Rae, but MCR is still just MCR. 49k
The first time they went over to Mikey's house, Mikey tossed her a beer and said, "My brother might come up. Maybe not, though. He gets weird in the middle of projects." She found out what he meant halfway through Dawn of the Dead, when a bundle of black fabric barreled from the basement door to the refrigerator and back down to the basement without saying a word to either of them.
I need to finish this!!! But –gah. Such awesome awesomeness. Ship: Ray/Mikey
Double Exposure - “The worst part was the confession. Well, the explanation sucked too.” Written for prompt 38. Frank/Mikey - Frank and Mikey bodyswap during tour and have to play shows as each other. 2.5k
Frank isn’t part italian in this fic. He’s part alien! :D Ship: Frank/Mikey
Anti-Sex (It Comes Around remix) - The first time Frank ever really talked to Mikey's brother it was at a house party somewhere in the shitty part of the Oranges. Before that, Gerard was just Mikey's weird older brother. In Frank's mind, their interactions were always relative to Mikey, spinning out from him, Mikey first, Gerard a trailing but connected afterthought. At that party, though, Mikey's brother was a little buzzed and cheerful with it, talking with a charisma and charm Frank hadn't seen before. 
Here’s a v 2018 relevant part: “Hey, you bring me my voter's registration, I swear I'll turn it in." "You're not even registered to vote?" Gerard said, and brought a hand up to run his pinky across his eyebrow like it was all just too much, and Frank laughed. 
Crooked Crown - There's always a voice in the back of Frank's head, tiny and barely registering after years of shrugging it off, but still present nonetheless. It says things like, this is a bad idea, and it's satisfying now, but there'll be consequences later. Or, this is the line and you're about to cross it. Someone had once said that Frank had no conscience, which wasn't true because hi, voice in his head. He totally did have a conscience - it was just that he wasn't much of a slave to it.
In any case, the voice dampens out even quicker than usual this time and he's then free to scribble 'BALLS' in Sharpie over each page of Gerard's brand new issue of Hellboy before stuffing it back underneath the seat to be discovered later on. 4k
“The next day they're in Austin, and it feels like an armpit. Mikey walks around with his fingers splayed out, trying to prevent any part of his body from touching another”
^ Ah Mikey, never stop being so relatable. Anyway, this was hilarious. I love how petty both of them were. Poor Ray with his head in his hands!
Rappelling Down Mount Vesuvius - 1k | Gen
I love reading little snippets of their lives like this. Just the right amount of fluff and backstory for something bittersweet and hopeful.
down to the water - Things were better than they were a month ago, hell, a week ago, but that wasn't saying much. A week ago, Gee was stumbling drunk on a stage in Japan and puking so much Frank had honestly been afraid she was going to die. So, while her over-caffeinated, white-faced sobriety of today was a welcome change, Frank still felt like they were all on the edge of disaster, that everything they'd worked so hard for could still collapse around them. 10k
New Rule - Pitch-black basement sex. 2k
Frank is jammed in between Gerard and the wall. He made Gerard check the entire basement for spiders before they turned off the crazy-bright fluorescent strip light, but he’s still wrapped himself up in the blankets like a burrito, jamming the edges under his body until he’s fucking airtight. “If you stretch you’ll pull the blankets out,” he says, muffled because his face is pressed under Gerard’s chin. “And then the spiders will get in, and then I’ll have to kill you.”
Oooh nooo, they have to share the bed. [cackles loudly]
Kiss The Bottle - A drunk wizard slips Frank a love potion while the band is in between tour dates. Chaos and mischief ensues. 35k
An impeccable casting of the wizard, I must say. lol
Don't Fear the Reaper - Gerard's not the greatest with faces but there's one that keeps crossing his path that he can't ignore. 4k
Can’t remember who wrote this description (it’s on my to-do list) (was it disenchanted?) but THEY PUT IT INTO WORDS: “I don't know how to begin to describe this one... It's written in an unusual format - ie. a lot of it is told through newspaper articles and webpages but it's one of those super haunting fics that stays with you for days. I don't think there are any triggers listed so be warned there are character deaths and supernatural stuff.”
And I really don’t have more to add. I don’t even want to say anything more because honestly for this fic, the less you know the better. For me the experience of reading it was made a hundred times better just by the emotional rollercoasters I was put through. Lol. Trying to figure out what was going on/going to happen next was really fun.
Candy Cane Vodka - "Yeah, Mikey, you accidentally made fucking peppermint Everclear. Congratulations and all, but Jesus Christ."
Mikey gets an idea on the road after finding a bargain bin book on homemade infusions. Experimentation follows, and Yuletide chaos ensues.
ngl... i’m tempted to make that vodka mixture
Ships: Mikey/Ray, Frank/Gerard
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persephunee · 8 years ago
1 & 3? 💖
hai pretty
if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
If someone really wanted to understand me, they would probably need to watch My Mad Fat Diary (a british tv show), Moana, and listen to Ed Sheeran music. 
list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
I have a lot of fandoms wowza, so i’ll only name a few. The problem is that 90% of the time I see characters I want to be, more than characters I identify with. 
My Mad Fat Diary: RAE EARL. I have never identified with a character more. From her insecurities, to many of her struggles in the show, she feels like such a huge part of me. When I watch her, I feel like i’m watching me in many ways which made some parts hard to watch initially. It’s also inspiring in many ways without being fantastical or unrealistic. 
Psych: I think i’m a bit of Shawn and a bit of Gus tbh. I identify with Shawn’s silly side, and the way he covers up his feelings/pain with sarcasm/humour. But I also have a bit of Gus in me too because I can also be a nervous wreck, i’m horrible with the opposite sex, love silly pick up lines, and i’ll run away screaming if i’m scared enough.
Merlin: His clumsy dorky self, and having something you need to hide from the world. 
CHUCK: CHUCK hands down for this one. His nerdy side, the way he yearns for more out of life than the working at the Buy More yet struggling to find a way out. Also the way he throws his heart into things. 
Jane The Virgin: Jane. The way she grew up, and the way she struggles with her faith. The flower analogy and being scared but also wanting to break out of that. Things never going according to plan and needing to adjust. 
Lucifer: LOL, weird to say but lucifer I guess? In his struggle with his beliefs? If you call it that since it’s his “father” but the way he questions his parents and higher power so much. I definitely identify with that. 
I’ll do Korean Dramas in the one swoop: Louie from shopping king louie - the way he was sheltered his entire life and that need to grow up after being thrown into the world. More than that, his effort and desire to change and mature but never losing his childlike tendencies. Song Ji Won from Age of Youth and her struggle finding a man because she has all the qualities that supposedly turn them off (Eg. being so loud etc etc. If that isn’t me then idk what is tbh). Shim Chung from Legend of the Blue Sea - her crazy side. Kim Hye Jin from She was Pretty, who kind of reminds me of Rae Earl from My Mad Fat Diary. 
Little bonus: Characters I wish I could be, Cheong Song Yi, Sarah Walker.
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aggiemae · 6 years ago
Tale Teller’s Daily Writing Challenge
This is for @sdavid09‘s Tale Teller’s Daily Writing Challenge.
Day 10 Prompt:   What is your character’s best day of their life?
Title:  “Lost in This Moment”
Sirius paced back and forth outside of the room.  He remembered waiting with James when Harry was born, but he didn’t realize just how hard it was to be in James’ shoes.  Well, to be in the shoes of the father, waiting to hear how the mother of his child was doing.  Morgan had elected for a home birth, in order to make sure Sirius could be there.  One of her trusted friends was assisting as a midwife.  So now Sirius waited, hearing screams and classic rock coming from the other side of the door.
He tried to think about what James was like during that time.  Azkaban may have messed with some of his memories, but tried like hell to protect this.  James was a nervous wreck, afraid anything could go wrong.  Lily wanted to do a birth at St. Mungo’s as there were some issues that were common in her family and she wanted to make sure everything would be okay.  
Remus and the rat were there as well, to support James and Lily.  But Sirius was the best man, the man who was going to be godfather to either Harry James or Charlotte Lily.  James and Lily didn’t want to know, and wanted it to be a surprise, no matter how much the other three begged to know.  Well, not Remus.  Remus wanted to know, but respected their wishes.  He and the rat wanted to know.  The rat was betting at a girl, but he had a feeling that baby Potter was going to be a Harry rather than a Charlotte.
Then there was another scream, with the midwife, Laura, telling Morgan to push.  It had been like this for the last two hours.  Morgan was on the tenth hour of delivery, and Lily had went for eighteen hours for Harry.
Harry had been so tiny when he was born, it seemed.  James had passed Harry to Sirius and he was man enough to say that he cried holding his godson in his arms.  Harry wasn’t happy at being in the new world, and he made sure that everyone knew.  Sirius whispered to Harry that he would protect him, no matter what.
Not that Sirius kept that promise, but he tried.  That was what was important.  He tried to help, especially now.  Harry was born during a war, and his daughter was going to be born right on the brink of one it felt like.  
“I wish you were here James.  You would probably have all sorts of advice for me.  I let Remus know about everything with Morgan.  He called me an idiot and then congratulated us.  He met Morgan and called her a good influence for me.  Seems to cut down on my stupid decisions and I can concentrate with her.  My mind doesn’t focus on just one thing and cut the rest of the world out.  You and Lily would love her.”  Sirius then wiped his eyes.  It was hard to not have them there with him, with Harry, but the world kept turning.  
Finally, the door opened and Laura said it was okay to come inside.  Sirius walked into the spare room, and on the bed, exhausted, was Morgan holding his little girl.
“Is she,” he asked softly.
“Everything is fine Sirius.  We’re both fine.”  He then took that moment to bolt across the room and kissed Morgan on the head and looked at his daughter.  She was red in the face, but beautiful.
“We still haven’t decided on a name,” Morgan said.  She almost looked ready to fall asleep.  
“I was thinking Minerva, after one of my teachers.  She was the reason I made it through everything.  We could call her Minnie for short.”
“I like that.  Minerva Jane.  Or Minnie Jane.”  Morgan then handed little Minnie to him, and he held her in his arms.  She was so small.  Maybe the length of his forearm.  
“I’ll be there for you Minnie.  Your daddy is going to be there for you.  I swear.”
He then sat down on the bed, Morgan asleep with her head on his shoulder, and little Minnie in his arms.  He couldn’t be happier.
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